National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Antiquities of Indian Tibet : vol.2 |
232 ANTIQUITIES OF WESTERN TIBET [VOL. II In the Earth-Pig year (c. 1719 A.D.), when Si-sgar made ready an army against the people of Skar-rdo, [the latter] were not only afraid, but even asked here for assistance with an army. Tshul-khrims-rdo-rje was able to make all [necessary] arrangements himself (conveying ?). He was sent as head of an army. When he had arrived at Ha-nu, he stopped the Si-sgar people by means of messengers, both mild and strong, sent in the morning. Meanwhile he waited at Ha-nu. Expert in wise expedients, as if treating an illness with medicines, he thence- forth, without the necessity of keeping there an army, made the people of Si-sgar submit to our commands. In the Iron-Mouse year (c. 1720 A.D.) Bsod and Dkar-rtse united (lit. became one government). At the time when Kha-rul and Chu-thug, etc., were seized by the enemy Rab-brtan was sent as general against Chu-thug [and] Dkar-rtse ; and Tshul-khrims- rdo-rje was sent as general against Bsod. On the Gur-sgar plain an encampment was established, and a quick attack was directed against Bsod. In front of the castle it came to a battle. Also Ri-[sna] on the Mkhah-[hgro hill was attacked]. Although there was no fault whatever on our part, Ri-sna was demolished, and the [Mkhah-hgro] hill was seized. Then behind [Ri-]sna an encampment was established and for seven days the castle was surrounded. Then Sbag-ram-bhig came down therefrom, and, his face having been raised,' was brought here [to Leh ?] to make his salutations. Mu-til-mkhan received Sbar-rtse and Hla-lun-tshil-mo as his portion, and the big drums of Bsod, because of their [beautiful] sound, were brought here. In the Water-Tiger year (c. 1722 A.D.) 'Azam-mkhan, the chief of Si-sgar, brought Skar-rdo under his sway, together with all Sbal-ti, Ron-yul ( = Ron-mdo), Sbru-sal, etc. As Bha-bha Ha-tham-mkhan was afraid of war being prepared [against him], he asked here for military assistance. In the twelfth winter month, in the time of snow, we started in (lit. from) the direction of the Byan-la [pass]. Tshul- khrims-rdo-[rj]e was sent as general. Coming from Ldum-ra, he arrived soon [in Baltistan]. Bha-bha Ha-tham-mkhan, father and son, chief and subjects, who did not agree [with one another], were brought to an agreement. [Then we] passed through Skye-ris castle, and seized the castle and country of Ku-res, etc., before [we] could be seen by a bird. At Skye-ris there rose a quarrel, and on the occasion when a hand was raised against a son of Mir from his own side and he died, and when the chiefs and subjects of Sbal-ti who were [originally] on our side, began to talk of their religion, all became inimical [to us], and it was a difficult time, [then] Tshul-khrims-rdo-[rj ]e was a hero in the face of the enemies, and a wise man among his own party. He was clever in every situation and showed (lit. produced) great wisdom (? ). He made every- one, be he an outsider (Muhammadan) or an insider (Buddhist), be he high, low, or middling, abide by the boundaries due to him. It occurred [even] that the Sbal-ti men of his own side found it easy (?) to bow [their heads]. The castle of Skye-ris was surrounded with magical swiftness ; Mag-mud-mkhan was brought down before any- I.e., he had received grace. | |
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