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0295 Antiquities of Indian Tibet : vol.2
Antiquities of Indian Tibet : vol.2 / Page 295 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

New!Citation Information

doi: 10.20676/00000266
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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  1.  Then they went, and arrived at Ron-chur-rgyud, oh Mum-mo !

  2.  At Ron-fie-chur-rgyud. Love, oh Yan-dri n !

  3.  Is that not a place of pleasure, oh Yam-drill ?

  4.  [They arrived] at Ba-so [and] Gu-sur,

  5.  At Go-'ar-to [and] Ku-mar. Love, oh Yan-drill !

  6.  Is that not a place of pleasure, oh Yan-dri n ?

  7.  [They arrived] at Skar-do [and] the willow of God. Love, oh Yan-drill !

  8.  Is that not a place of pleasure, oh Yan-drip ?

  9.  [They arrived] at Cham-bro-ziû of Si-gar, oh Yan-drira !

  10. Is that not a place of pleasure, oh Yan-dri n ?

  11. [They arrived] at Kye-ris [and] Chum-rgag, oh Yan-drip !

  12. At Rga-sin, Man-thro-khar, [and] Sag-gal. Love, oh Yan-drip !

  13. At Par-kud-da [and; Nam-kyil. Love, oli Yan-drip