National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 |
Group of ruined dwellings N. i1, seen from south-east after excavation .
Ruined house N. Iv, with arbour, Niya Site, seen from north-east .
Ruins of house N. III, with fallen garden trees, Niya Site, seen from west
Western portion of ruined residence N. III, Niya Site, before excavation . .
Ruins of residence N. III, Niya Site, seen from south-east before excavation .
Ruined dwelling N. V, Niya Site, seen from south before excavation .
Ancient rubbish-heap N. xv, Niya Site, seen from west in course of excavation
Inner surfaces of double wedge, showing fastening at string-hole end . .
String twisted into loop for fastening double wedge . . •
Reverse of under-tablet of double wedge, with string-hole and folds of string held by grooves Obverse of covering-tablet of double wedge, with string-hole and string fastened in seal socket
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Remains of dwelling completely eroded, near N. xI, Niya Site . . . To face p. 378
Remains of ancient trees and tank, near dwelling N. vIII, Niya Site .
Fragments of woollen carpet . . .
Oblong piece of hard ' green ' leather . . .
Ruined building E. III, within Endere Fort, seen from south-west . . To face p. 422
Interior of ruined temple cella E. i, Endere Fort, seen from east after excavation . . „ 422
Ruined Stûpa, Endere Site, seen from south-west . . If 434
Ruined rampart near gateway, Endere Fort, seen from interior . • „ 434
Interior of ruined quadrangle, Kara-dong, seen from north-east after partial excavation . „ 446
Wooden gateway of ruined quadrangle, Kara-dong, seen from east after excavation 9 446
Remains of ruined Stûpa, Arka-kuduk-Tim, Hanguya Tati, seen from south . . „ 471
Remains of deserted modern dwelling, at Kobzagiram-shah, Domoko . „ 471
Lachin-ata Mazar, seen from west . . „ 471
Portion of north segment of ruined rampart, Ak-sipil, seen from outside 474
Portion of north segment of ruined rampart, Ak-sipil, seen from interior . „ 474
Ruined Stûpa of Rawak, seen from south part of court . •„ 484
Ruined Stûpa of Rawak, with south corner of court, seen from east at commencement of
excavation . . . „ 484
Relief sculptures, R. i—R. v, on inner south-west wall, Rawak Stûpa Court . „ 490
Relief sculptures, R. viii—R. xii, on inner south-west wall, Rawak Stûpa Court . „ 490
Statue of seated Buddha, R. xi, between colossal reliefs, in inner south corner, Rawak Stûpa
Court . . . „ 492
Colossal statue, R. xiii, with relief halo, in inner south corner, Rawak Stûpa Court ,, 492
Relief sculptures, R. xlix-Iii, on outer south-east wall, Rawak Stûpa Court . „ 496
Colossal statues, R. lxvi-lxxiv, or outer walls of south corner, Rawak Stûpa Court, with
remains of outer passage in foreground . . . „ 496
Relief sculptures, R. xxviii, xxix, with Dvarapalas on right ; at gate of Rawak Stûpa Court » 498
Relief sculptures, R. lvi-lxi, on outer south-east wall, Rawak Stûpa Court „ 498
Relief statues, R. i-iv, on inner south-east wall, Rawak Stûpa Court . „ 508
Turdi Khwaja, of Tawakkél, treasure-seeker . „ 5o8
Islam Akhun, forger of antiques . . „ 5o8
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