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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 |
B. D. oor. k. Elliptical convex seal in carbuncle, flat on the under side. Device, in intaglio, a wild boar, crined, couchant to R. A." x ". See Plate XLIX.
B. D. oor. 1. Grotesque figure carved in steatite, monkey-like, seated with outstretched legs, L. fore-arm lying on L. leg ; R. hand raised to mouth. Tail lies straight beneath legs. Height iTM, width g", depth (front to back) r. See Plate LI.
B. D. oor. in. Square bronze seal, shank at back broken. A bird standing to L. with wings uplifted, perhaps meant for a goose. Much corroded. g" square. See Plate L.
B. D. ow. n. Bronze seal, broken at corners and shank. It appears to have been circular, with four decorative excrescences equidistant from each other giving a square contour to the whole. Two of the projections are missing. The device seems to be a primrose-like flower in intaglio. Diameter about r.
I. oor. Intaglio, carbuncle ; elliptical, piano-convex ; broken at lower end. On convex surface, in intaglio, finely cut portrait head of Indo-Scythian type three quarters to L. The face is long and narrow ; prominent eyes, well-marked eyebrows, delicate nose and mouth, slightly prominent chin. A circular jewel is on front of head, from behind which fall strings of jewels, or plaited hair. The ears are jewelled. A jewelled and massive necklace is visible on proper R., and what appears to be ornaments on R. shoulder. A flowing end of drapery floats out over it. R. and L. is an inscription running round edge of surface, resembling the debased Greek
characters of ` Scytho-Sassanian ' coins. r x . See Plate XLIX.
Kh. oor. a. Elliptical seal of sard bearing, in intaglio, quadriga of horses to R., with driver standing on chariot (Helios?) behind. A" x r. See Plate XLIX.
Kh. ow. b. Elliptical seal of chalcedony, bearing, in intaglio, boar's head to R. $" x". See Plate XLIX.
Kh. 002. Elliptical seal of nicolo, bearing, in intaglio, winged Eros, standing to R., with wreath in R. hand and arrow in L. Carefully engraved and well-proportioned. x A". See Plate XLIX.
Kh. 003. a. Moulded terra-cotta spout in the form of a grotesque face. The eyebrows are bushy and meet in a knot ; eyes are projecting roundels; nose prominent, swollen, and relroussé; cheeks puffed ; lips thick, grinning and slightly parted, the L. proper half of the mouth being pierced through to form spout. There is no chin, and curling hair surrounds face. I" x I$". See Plate XLIV.
Kh. 003. b. Fragment of fine terracotta vessel bearing an appliqué figure in bas-relief. It represents a female, Gandharvi, rising from a lotus, all the body below the middle being concealed by the flower. The hands are raised on either side to the level of the ears, and each grasps an end of a garland which hangs in a festoon in
front of the body below the breasts. Wrists adorned with bangles, and just below the flattened table-like centre of lotus is a row of beads. The face was much damaged before firing, the nose being flattened; but the expression of the mouth is smiling ; the eyes are rather prominent and full. On the head is an inverted lotus serving as a cap. The pose and general design closely resemble the stucco Gandharvi figures of D. r. and D. xtt ; comp. Plate LVI. Height a$", width Ir. See Plate XLV.
Kh. 003. c. Fragment of terra-cotta vessel, bearing a flying or dancing figure. Hands raised and joined together above head. The head is inclined slightly to R. and downwards. Legs (R. broken off) crossed, left in front of right, suggesting rather dancing than flying. Over shoulders hangs a very full and loose cloak. Size r x 2". See Plate XLV.
Kh. 003. d. Fragment of terra-cotta vessel, ornamented with raised moulding dented at short intervals ; below this an appliqué moulded ornament composed of two circular concentric rows of beads with a fillet between, round a centre larger bead. Size I "x Ir.
Kh. 003. e. Terra-cotta appliqué ornament ; grotesque animal's head resembling that of a Chinese pug dog. Size I$" x I$". See Plate XLIV.
Kh. 003. f. Terra-cotta appliqué ornament, showing animal's head similar to Kh. 003. e, but with large ears, and much less carefully modelled. Dark grey clay due to over-firing. This fragment has been subjected to great heat after being broken. Size r "x ri". See Plate XLVII.
Kh. 003. g. Relief fragment on dark slate-stone richly carved on both sides, and apparently part of a miniature shrine. This appears to be a portion of a L. proper wing of the object, and shows that it was divided architecturally into panels or caveae, each stage being supported on cantilevers as in many of the Gandhâra sculptures. On obverse is represented the scene of the Bodhisattva (Buddha) cutting his hair (comp. Foucher, L' Art du Gandhdra, pp. 363 sqq., where this relief is mentioned). The figure of B. is shown nearly full face, turned slightly to R. proper, seated cross-legged upon a draped cushion. The robe covers L. shoulder and then passes under R. armpit, leaving R. arm, breast and shoulder bare. It appears to cover the legs completely. From top of head, which is inclined slightly downwards, depends the hair (twisted into rope shape) which is grasped by L. hand. The R. hand upraised cuts the hair with a sword. To R. a kneeling figure with garland, and to L. a standing figure with turban. Above and within, right and left, two adoring figures. In the upper cavea appears to have been Buddha's alms-bowl; in the lower another figure subject of which one head only (to R.) is left. On the reverse the fragment shows relief representation of a draped figure in profile, carrying a nude child ; and bearing on the back a basket, the straps passing over the shoulder and under the arm. Contour of fragment cleverly adapted to subjects
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