National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Ancient Khotan : vol.1 |
Sec. iv] ANTIQUES ACQUIRED FROM Y. 007. a. Bronze seal, z" square, representing lion (?) in profile seated to R., with open mouth and with conventional bushy tail curling away from back. Perforated shank at back broken ; comp. Hoernle, Report on C.-A. ant., i. Pl. III., No. 61. See Plate L. Y. 007. b. Fragment of stone relief, representing torso, R. p. arm and upper portion of L. arm of seated figure. It is nude, save for a heavy necklet and pendant, an armlet with decorative circular jewelled bosses on each arm, near the shoulder, and a bangle at wrist. Judging from the very carelessly carved hand remaining, the pose was the dhydna-mudni. Height 2 ", width 2". See Plate XLVIII. Y. 007. c. Portion of bronze clasp, through which remains of two iron rivets. The shape is elliptical, one end terminating in a circular ring. Design chased on elliptical part is arabesque ; back plain. Length i", width -i". Y. oo8. a. Intaglio, garnet, below an Indian cow couchant to L. ; on either side and meeting above cow, a lion rampant. Over, inscription in unknown characters partially erased. Shape of seal elliptical. 12" wide, 4" high, Front convex, back flat. See Plate XLIX. Y. oo8. b. Intaglio, carbuncle. Warrior of Indo-Scythic type, front, head to L. ; fully armoured. On the head is a kind of cassis, with a curtain of plate mail hanging from the back half, fitting over the ears, passing under the chin and forming a gorget. He appears to wear a tunic or cuirass of either scale armour or quilted material, and a skirt reaching below the knees of a similar nature, but not quite the same. The shoulders and upper part of the arms are guarded by jointed armour, the forearm and just above elbow being either bare or covered with close-fitting sleeve. Legs and feet in close-fitting top boots. Carried in left hand and resting on shoulder is a round-headed mace. In right hand a spear. Across front of thighs, with hilt to right, is slung a long straight sword. At back of thighs, and parallel to the sword, is slung what may be a quiver. Behind that and showing one corner to left of figure, bow in case. The seal is well cut and polished. Height â", width -,1", thickness a". Front highly convex, back fiat. See Plate XLIX. Y. oog. a. Terra-cotta ornament showing grotesque animal, and forming probably handle of vase (see Hoernle, Report on C.-A. ant., ii. p. 44); fragment. The head and ears are evidently suggested by the camel. Rising above the forehead is a single, straight, horn-like projection (broken). The neck is arched and maned as that of a horse. On the left shoulder is a raised circular boss, rudely ornamented, from which springs a wing directed backwards and upwards. Seven quills are countable, divided by incised lines, each feather' having series of dots dug into it. The ornament was cast in two halves in moulds ; then the insides of the halves were roughened and stuck together, after which they were fired. Nearly the whole of one side of this specimen is broken away. It | YÖTKAN AND IN KHOTAN 211 is also broken across just below the wing and across the upper part of what appears to be a fore leg. Length 3", 28 height ". See Plate XLV. Y. oog. b. Terra-cotta ornament ; grotesque animal closely resembling Y. 009. a. The head of this is more bird-like. The horn-like projection on top of head is intact on one side, and is in three tiers. The decorative boss on shoulder is of different pattern. No wing is visible, the fragment being broken closer to the boss ; and also higher up the leg. The end of beak is broken, and nearly the whole of one side is broken away. 3" x 2". See Plate XLV. Y. oog. c. Terra-cotta miniature horse, legless. It carries a saddle of the usual oriental type—high in front and at back, which is most elaborately secured. Two straps or bands run from each side at the back, and disappear beneath the bushy tail. One at each side in front passes to front of chest. One at each side in front again passes to a strong headstall, on which seems to be a bit. Over the saddle is a saddle-cloth with ornamental border. The horse is fairly well modelled, but the front of the head is very flat and the eyes simply circles with a dot in the centre of each. The frontal band of the headstall rises to a point in the centre above the eyes and ears. The mane is bushy and upright and clipped. Although the legs are missing, the object does not appear to have been broken, as the under surfaces are smooth. Length 2g", height r", width $". See Plate XLVI. Y. oog. cl. Terra-cotta spout broken from some vessel. It is crudely decorated with eyes, nose, and ears (one ear broken away) and is brought up to a kind of knob to represent a forehead (cf. T. M. 005. g.). The hole running through is rectangular at the end towards the vessel, and circular at the mouth. Length r s", width (at mouth) â". See Plate XLV. Y. oog. e. Fragment of terra-cotta monkey, sitting on his heels. Arms and L. leg missing (broken). Height r â". Y. oog. f. Fragment of terra-cotta monkey, upper half. On head a cap with rolled brim ; left hand held over mouth and nose. Height r â". See Plate XLVII. Y. oog. g. Terra-cotta monkey's head, broken off at neck. Round neck appears portion of a rope or cord. Head apparently modelled as a separate piece. Modelling very rough. Width rig", height r r. See Plate XLVII. Y. oog. h. Terra-cotta grotesque, two monkey-like figures riding astride a horse. The head of the rear figure is missing and the left hind leg of horse is broken off. The horse bears a general resemblance to Y. 009. c, but is much less carefully modelled. There is no harness whatever. Chest and shoulders of animal are evidently meant to be very hairy, being marked with little digs of a modelling stick. The mane is very thick and arched, and is erect, a feature having quite a Roman appearance. E e 2 | ||||||||||
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