National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Memoir on Maps of Chinese Turkistan and Kansu : vol.1 |
| Yarkand, Camp 31 (at Chin!-bâgh, cire. 1 mile S. of City walls ; |
| |
| . C. 4). |
| 38° | 23' | 45" |
1906 | -08. Yârkand, Camp 19 (at Chin!-bâgh as above, | outside garden ; |
| C. 4) |
| 38° | | 49" |
| Ighiz-yâr, Camp 12 (A. 3) • |
| 38° | 40' | 9" |
| Bagh-jigda, Camp 21 (Dôgha Bag's house; C. 4) | ... | 38° | 28' | 17" |
This sheet shows the mountainous areas of 1906, this approximately assumed limit
south of the Karghalik-Khotan road up to of perpetual snow represents a sufficiently
the valley of the uppermost Yarkand river. close approach to the snow-line of 18,000
Most of the ground was surveyed from routes feet as shown on the map of Sir F. De
followed in 1906 and 1908, the surveys Filippi's expedition.
being supplemented by work done in 1900 For brief descriptions of the routes
on the main road to Khotan along the edge followed by myself from Karghalik to Gnma
of the Taklamakan, and in 1915 by that on and from Karghalik to Kilian, see Ruins of
the caravan route which leads from Kök-yâr Khotan, pp. 167 sqq.; Desert Cathay, i. pp.
up the Tiznaf river headwaters to the Yàr 142 sqq. As regards the early topography
kand river valley and the Kara-koram pass. of Karghalik and the hill tracts south, cf.
For Karghalik and Kök-yâr astronomi Ancient Khoian, i. pp. 89 sqq.; Serindia, i.
cally observed latitudes were available, and pp. 85 sqq.
for the former place the longitude of 77° 26' Apart from the large and fertile oasis
30" was adopted as the mean of Colonel of Karghalik, cultivation is limited in this
Trotter's traverse value and that obtained area to a series of small settlements, Kök-
by Captain Deasy by chronometer; these yâr, Yül-arik, Ushak-bashi, Kilian, all situ-
differed only by 1' 51". The accepted posi ated where the rivers from this part of the
tions of Karghalik and Khotau, as well as western K'un-lun debouch on a broad plateau
the triangulated points in the adjoining overlooking the desert plains. The' higher
sheets Nos. 9 and 10, served as pivots for valleys on the Tiznaf river headwaters and
fitting the plane-table work. In addition east of them afford sufficient summer grazing
to other latitudes those observed on Sir F. for large flocks of sheep owned at Kök-yâr,
De Filippi's expedition were used for fixing etc.
the positions of R. B. Lai Singh's Camps Corrections. C. 1. The grass symbols
366, 370, 375, 377 along the Karghalik N. of Besh-terek-langar ought to be in green.
Kara-koram route (C. 2-4, D. 4). C.2. The symbol for astronomical lati-
In the absence of any height determina tude observation should be added against
tions on the main range, the indication of C. 26 Kosh-yüz-öghil.
the snow-line in this sheet at an approximate D.2. The area of 'low dunes with tama-
elevation of 17,500 feet can only be consi risks' should have been shown in yellow as
dered as conjectural. Taking into account `sandy tract with vegetation'.
that the snowy portions of the main range C,D. 2,3. Hill contours ought to have
near the Karlik-dawan (D.3) were seen by been interrupted where broken river courses
Rai Ram Singh only in the early summer mark valleys sketched from a distance.
Astronomically observed latitudes.
1900-01. Karghalik, Camp 33 (at Yetim-lukum, cire. 1 mile S.W. of
Bazar; C. 1) | 37° | 53' | 32" |
1906-08. Kök-yar, Camp 24 (Chavash Beg's house; C. 2) ... | 37° | | 1" |
Kosh-yüz-öghil, Camp 26 (C. 2) ... | 37° | 3' | 20" |
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The surveys shown in this sheet extend roughly from the valleys of the feeders of the Ak-su river in the north to the riverine belt of the Yarkand-darya in the south.
'The routes from Ak-su along the foot of the main Tien-shan and from Uch-Turfàn due south to Kelpin and Tumshuk (B.2-4) were followed in the spring of 1908 and those
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