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Memoir on Maps of Chinese Turkistan and Kansu : vol.1 |
PYEWZOFF, Gen. N.W., his longitude value for Khotan, 70; for Kara-shahr town, 81.
RAM SINGH, R.S., surveyor, his work on first expedition, 5 sqq., 8 sq., 65, 67; on second expedition, 10 sqq., 14 sqq., 17 sq., 68, 77; triangulation by, 63 sq., 65 sq., 80, 82 sq., 108 sqq.
Rang, loc., 66.
Rang-kul lake, 40.
Raskam-darya, river, 10, 66.
Rawak, site, 9; astronom. latitude of, 74. Reeves telescopic alidade, 77.
RICHTHOFEN, Baron F. cox, on `Lop-nör question'; 47.
Riehthofen Range, of Nan-span, 17 sqq., 33, 50, 100 sqq., 104.
RoßoxovsKY, Captain W. J., surveys of, 82 sq., 95, 100.
Royal Geographical Society, help of, 4 sq., 10, 35 ; awards of, 23, 40.
RY•DER, Col. C. H.D., R.E., help of, viii.
Saghizlik-yailak, astronom. latitude of, 74. Sai-kàrêz (Deghar), astronom. latitude of, 85 ; depth below sea-level, 84.
Salkanji, cultiv., 15.
Sampula, vill., 73 sq.
Sanju, oasis, 12, 70.
Sanju-dawàn, pass, 20, 71.
Sarikol, valley, 5, 10 sq., 25, 65 sq. Sc;RI.Ac;INrcwFI'r, DR. ADOI.F•, across Hincdutâsh-dawân, 12.
Seghiz-köl, lake, 21; A station above, 111. Sha-chou, town and oasis, see Tun-huang. Sha-ch`iian-tzu, loc., 95.
Sha-ho-p`u, astronom. latitude of, 104. Shahidullah, loc., 71.
Shallyar•, oasis, 19, 39, 76, 79 sq. Shamshel-mazar, astronom. latitude of, 71. SHAHS DIN, Naik, 34.
Shan-shan or Lou-lan, ancient kingdom of, 28. Shih-êrh-t`un, vill., 31, 97 sq.; astronom. latitude of, 99.
Shih-pao-ch`êng, loc., 96 ; astronom. latitude of, 100.
Shih-tun, vill., 98.
Shindi, loc., 37•; astronom. latitude of, 82; stations at, 113.
Shindi stream, 37.
Shiwâkte, massif, 5, 65.
Shona-nor, terminal basin, 34, 53, 91. Shôr-bulak, astronom. latitude of, 85. Shôrchuk, ` Ming-oi' site N. of, 19, 82 ;
astronom. latitude of, 82. Shuang-ch`êng-tzu, astronom. latitude of,
Shuang-eh'üan-tzu, pass, 94.
Siligh-langar, loc., 71.
Singer, cultiv., 19, 35 sqq., 83, 85; astronom. latitude of, 86 ; A base at, 113.
Singim, springs of, 48 n.
So-ehil, or Yarkand, 44 n.
Sop-nor, lake, 103.
Sok-terek, astronom. latitude of, 75. • `Southern Road' of Chinese Annals, 44 n. Srinagar, 24.
Su-bâshi (of Toksun), gorge; 36.
Su-bâshi (of Turfân), vil!., springs of, 48 n. Sa-bâshi-karaul, astronom. latitude of, 65. Su-chou, city, 17 sq., 32, 34, 52, 93, 97 sq.,
99 sqq. ; astronom. latitude of, 102. Su-chou river, see Pei-ta-ho.
Su-lo-ho, river, 17 sq., 31 sq., 49, 91 sq., 94, 96 sqq. ; 99 sq. ; sources of, 18, 33, 101 sq.; bifurcation of, 32; terminal basin of, 4, 16, 18, 34, 46, 49 sq., 51 sqq., 95 ; astronom. latitude of camps on, 93. Su-mu-t`ou, astronom. latitude of, 93. Suess Range, 100.
Suget-bulak, loc., astronom. latitude of, 82. Surghak, gold-pits, 14 sq., 78.
Survey of India, help rendered by, 1, vii sq.; instruments supplied by, 4 sq., 10, 23 sq.
surveys, methods of, 3 sq.; instruments employed, 3 sqq.; lengths of routes, 4, 40; latitude observations, 3 sq. ; measurement of altitudes, 4, 151 sqq.; record of local names, 5.
Swat, territory, 10.
Ta-kung-ch`a pass, 100.
Ta-pên-kou, astronom. latitude of, 102.
'1'a-shih, oasis, 31, 98.
'Pa-shih river, 17, 96, 99 sq.
Ta-ssu, monastery, 33.
Ta-t`ung river, 18, 33, 101 sq.
'Tagh-yol', from Tun-huang to Mirân, 90,.
93, 96. •
Tagharma, valley, 64 sq.
Taghdum-bash Pamir, 5, 10, 65 ; triangulation on, 108.
Taghlak-gumbaz, astronom. latitude of, 66. Taklamakân desert, surveys in, 6, 8 sqq.,.
15, 19 sq., 26 sq., 74, 76 sq. ; geographical
features of, 42 sq.
Tam-oghil, loc., astronom. latitude of, 74. tamarisk-cones, 43 ; symbols for, 58.
T: xDY, Col. E. A., R. E., help of, viii. Tang-ho, or Tun-huang river, 31, 49; - 95• sq., 99.
Tangir, territory, 25.
Tangitar gorge, 25.
Tar-köl, A station, 111.
Taranchi, astronom. latitude of, 91.
Tarim basin, 1, 3 sq., 8, 11, 24, 53 sq. ; geographical features of, 41 sq. ; oases in, 43 sqq., 59; N.W. corner of, 63 sq.; N.E. corner of, 79; analogy withTurfàn basin, 84.
Tarim river, 15, 19 sq., 28, 38, 41 sqq., 44,. 72 sqq., 76 sq., 81 sq.; terminal course of, 15 sq., 29, 37, 46, 86 sq. ; see also Inehikedaryâ, Ugen-darya, Yarkand river.
Tarim-kishlak, loc., 74 ; astronom. latitude of, 74.
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