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0073 Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3
Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3 / Page 73 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000041
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BÉK-1311f : ROUTES 22-25.   41-


from BÉKHAR to NfSANG,

see No. 154.

Route No. 22.

From BÉKHAR (Gnari Khôrsum) to SHÎPKi
(Gnäri Khôrsum).

A secondary route, passable for horses.

Maps: Cunningham's Pänjâb and Western Himalaya.Gerard's Koonawur.

Three marches, always along the left side of the Satlej valley. Read described as good; no villages, except Kiak, which is close to Shfpki. As yet I know of no European who has made this route.

Geographical co-ordinates:

Békhar: 31 37; 78 57; 12,676 ft.
Shfpki: 31 49; 78 44; 10,454


see No. 15.

Route No. 23.

From BHÉTI (Gorhväl) to RÂITAL (Gârhvâl).

A secondary route, chiefly used by fakirs, im-
passable for herses.

Maps: Indian Atlas, sheets 65 and 66.

B h é ti, 30° 36'; 78° 44'—Kiria— Cross the Piku ka dindapass—ATfkar—Tansini - Arsha—Guniili —Shoila--Cross the Bilki.nadi--Guphûl—Cross the Balginga river by bridge — Katnr, on the right bank of the Balginga river.

AgtindaCross a river—Kati—Cross a nalah — Cross another nalah — Q Bhingdr Q Pangrina.

Q Kdkra Kd rik Cross several rivers A dharamsdla.

Sd l u Saura Cross the Bhagirithi river — Bandrini.

30° 49'; 78° 34'; 6,949 ft., near the right bank of the Bhagirâthi river. (A rather long stage ; road exceedingly bad).

Route No. 24.

From Bm TI (Gärhvâl) to TRÎJUGI NARÂIN (Gärhval).

A secondary route, passable for horses.

Maps: Indian Atlas, sheets 65 and 66.

Bltéti, 30° 36'; 78° 44'—Kanarsiûr—Cross the Kini ghat nalah —A Mälliki—Bamôra Hithkicni, a dharamsila— Cross the Bhägit 'river—Q Gnpet—Tsentnli—Cross the Shong ka dinda ridge—Cross the Lumgiû nalah—Lumgiü.

SagriCross the Katadhiit river —MalétaUéna—Cross the Boira ka dinda ridge—Theâ,sChatiâûr—Chogiiùr—Panéli—Tsigar—Ankiiür — Phat — Barinta — Cross a river by bridge Dilang-- Cross a river — Midu— Shidar— Cross two rivers—.Bägdeil—Kaibigi—Cross a river.

A Buäli kdnta ka Miida Cross three ridges.

M a n g u, a small dharamsila (10,599 ft.) on the Mingu pass — Q Kandétu (8,942 ft.).

Trijugi Nardin, 30° 41'; 78° 56'; 7,217 ft.

Route No. 25.

From BHÎMBAR (Pänjâb) to NAUSHÉRA (Rajauri).

A principal route, passable for horses.

Literature: Year-book of the Päujäb for 1854, part IV., p. 244; and for 1855, part IV., p. 244.

Maps: Cunningham's Pänjâb and Western Himalaya.—Waugh and Thuillier's Pänjâb and adjoining countries.

Bhimbar, 32° 59'; 74° 0'— Cross the Adatik pass (road in parts difficult).