National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3 |
LANG T80—LH6U. 215
Lang T s o , a lake in 7ankhar, Lat. 33°, Long. 78° r,,,v ßc7) glang-mts` ho. Tib.
"Bullock lake." Glang, bullock; mts`ho, lake. Lanka, see Ceylon.
L a s h k a r p u r, in MA,lva, Lat. 23°, Long. 78°
"The town of the army."
Anal. Lashka ri- kh dal -ke sarai, in Sérhind, Lat. 30°, Long. 76°.
L a t I f p u r , in Bahia., Lat. 24°, Long. 83° J, ! Arab. Hind.
"L atif's town." Latif, mild, benevolent, a personal name
Lhadan, see Lhassa.
L h a d u n g, on the road to Lhassa, in Eastern Tibet,
Lat. 29°, Long. 92° 211 ~ lha-dung. Tib.
~ v
"The god's conch-trumpet." Lha, god; dung, a tortoise-shell, a trumpet, a couch. The word dung we frequently meet in Eastern Tibet as a component part in names of Lama settlements. It is the name of the shell they use in their religious ceremonies.
L h a s s a, the capital of Eastern Tibet, Lat. 29°, Long. 92° .... 0..1 lha-sa. Tib. "The land of gods." Lha, god; sa, land.
Vigne, Travels in Kashmir, Vol. II., p. 249, gives for it the name of Yul sung, yul, land; g sung, order, command, which may possibly be locally used, as its meaning can also be referred to the clerical authority of the Dalai Lama. Lha-1dan, provided with gods, is mentioned as its ancient name by Schmidt, Tibetanisches Wörterbuch, p. 626.
Lh a z ab Chu, a spring in Gnari Khorsum, Lat. 31°,
Long. 79° Iha-zab-chhu. Tib.
"The deep water of the gods." Lha, god; zab, deep; chhu, water.
This is the name of a sacred spring on the road from Pilling to the Labtse Nagu pass; the spring is the more venerated, as no other water is procurable within a great distance.
L h ô u, a station four marches south of Tauring, in Bhutan, Lat. 27°,
Long. 92° 0.1 Tib.
"The south." Lho, south; u, a kind of definite article.
The name was connected by the natives with the beginning of a general sloping of the country to the south.
Pers. Hind. | ||
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