National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3 |
JÀSR6THA, routes to and from, see NI SPUR to NAUSEÉRA, No. 160.
Route No. 77.
From JH6SIMATH (Gärhvâl) to BLDRINATH(Gärhvi l).
A principal route, passable for horses.
Literature: Webb, in As. Res., Vol. XI., pp. 517-27. — Year-book of the Pänjâli for 1855, part IL, p. 120.
Maps: Indian Atlas, sheet 66.—Strachey's Kämâon and Gärhvâl.—«'ebb's Survey of the Ganges, in As. Res. Vol. XI., p. 447.
Jh si in a th , 30° 34'; 79' 29', a bângalo (6,089 ft.), near the confluence of the Dâuli and Vishnugânga rivers—Steep descent to the Dâuli river—Cross the Dâuli river by • bridge (during the rains this is occasionally very difficult)—Ascend the Vishnugânga valley — Vishnupredg (4,724 ft.) p Baldûra — Cross the Vishnugânga river on a rope bridge — Cross the Kalkuâni ns,lahContinue along the right bank of the Vishnugânga river — p Khâna Churitâr — Cross the G6kila gânga river—APatvilla—Khät (5,449 ft.) —Pinuâlni—Cross the Läsmangânga river.
Pa n d uk é sat, a dharâmsâla (6,113 ft.), on the right bank of the Alaknânda river. A moderate stage; road good, but nearly continously ascending—Continue along the right bank of the Vishnugânga river—Shistsra=Cross the Nâlna, a small river—Cross the Kumifr nslah—Pâturi—ArnriCross the Vishnugânga river by a bridge called Lambagârh—Road now for a short time very bad —p Benakulli—Cross the Amta river—K liankbti (8,271 ft.), on the left bank of the Vishnugânga river—Cross the Vishnugânga river by a bridge called G6rsingh—Continue for one mile along the right bank of the Vishnugânga river —Cross over the left bank of the Vishnugânga . river by a bridge called Baran—Cross the Kanchangânga river — Cross the Vishnugânga river by the Bâmoni bridge—Bâmoni.
Bddrinath, 30° 46'; 79° 20'; 10,124 ft., on the right bank of the Vishnugânga river. Rather a long march; going up the valley, 8 hours' march; down the valley only 51/2 hours' march. Road, with a single exception, good, but continuously ascending from 6,113 to 10,124 ft.
see No. 101.
Route No. 78.
From JH68IMATH (Gärhvâl) to TAPUBIN (Gärhvâl).
A principal route, passable for horses.
Literature: Batten, in Journ. As. Soc. Beng., Vol. VII.,
p. 310-6.-Moorcroft, in As. Res., Vol. XII., pp. 377-80. Maps: Indian Atlas, sheets 65 and 66. — Strachey's Kit-
mâon and Gärhvâl.
Jhosimat1t, 30° 34'; 79° 29', a bângalo (6,089 ft.), near the confluence of the Dâuli and Vishnugânga rivers— Continue along the left bank of the Dâuli river—H6shi (3 houses)—KânchaA Marchat6li—Cross the Gâdhal gânga (a small stream)—Nia—Dhaka.
Ta pub tn, 30° 28'; 79° 36'; 6,182 ft., on the left bank of the Dâuli river.
Route No. 79.
From J6GAR (Gärhvâl) to BÂRK6T (Gärhvâl).
A secondary route, passable for horses. Maps: Indian Atlas, sheets 48 and 65.
Jôgar, 30° 39'; 78° 7'; 4,903 ft., on the left bank of the Ski river — Cross the Bsrni riverGâru.
K a p n 6 l (6,725 ft.), an easy stage.
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