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0263 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 263 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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T. xxx. i. oo3. Wooden instrument, incomplete (a smoother-? ). Thick handle with projecting flange behind to give grip to little finger ; top shaved down in curve to take pressure of thumb; this curve continues along blade, compensated for by projection of blade on under side beyond handle. Blade flat below, worn on R. side, 3' long (broken off) x r". Very hard wood much polished by use. Gr. length 7y", gr. width 24", gr. thickness ri". Pl. LII.

T. =L i. 004. Wooden seal-case, type C ; see T. VIII. 5. Hole through one end. r 8' x 4" x i".

T. xix. i. 005. Arrow. Iron tang broken at length of 3i" ; bronze head, type of T. xv. oo8, with triangular hollow in each face; sharp; good, condition. Length of head ri', of whole 4r. Pl. LIII.

T. xxx. i. 006-007. Two reed arrow-shafts. Three feathers, bound on with very thin thread wound spirally and secured with lacquer. Near the end on either side a wedge-shaped piece " long was cut out of the shaft, and two slips of cane were gummed in and bound round with the thread that held feathers, so that they projected beyond butt of arrow, splaying out and forming a spring-notch ; probably ends of the feathers were bound into wedge incision ; below these cane shoulders.

oo6 has one fr. of cane notch-shoulder, and part of one feather preserved, with lacquer and traces of binding; other end of shaft burned and broken. From 007 all feathers and both notch-shoulders are missing. Cf. M. iI. oor. Lengths 9i" and I'; diams. A." and i". PI. LIII.

T. xxx. ii. oox. Wooden seal-case, type A ; see T. vrrl. 5.

Hole through bottom. 2' x r i" x   Pl. LIII.


T. xx. 002. Bronze ring, round in section. Inside diam.

A", outside 4".   .

T. xx. i. ooi. Wooden block, with three grooves sawn across ;—a seal-case in the making, but hole not yet gouged out. 14'X IA" X 8'.

T. xx. i. 002. Burnisher of wood and bone (?). Stout wooden peg tapering slightly towards flat-cut end. Round other end a bone ring, r 8' wide and $" thick, is fastened by four black-headed pins, peg being thinned down so that surface of bone is flush with that of rest of peg. The pins are set round end of ring adjoining wood ; and four others set round the other end fasten on a neatly bevelled plug

of brown horn which fills this end. Through middle of ring a hole is bored from side to side, through wood and bone, A" in diam. Apparently a burnisher, the wooden handle having subsequently been roughly trimmed down as if to fit on another handle now missing. Cf. Ancient Khotan, i. p. 397, N. vii. 2. Length 64", gr. diam.

T. xx. i. 003. Bronze ring, plain, to which doubled strip of faded yellow silk is knotted. Diam. of ring .9", thickness r.

T. xxx. oox. Bundle of reed straw, specimen of. T. xxi. 002. Bundle of straw, specimen of.


T. xxir. a. ooi. Bundle of reed straw, specimen of.

T. xxu. b. oox. Ear-handle of lacquered wooden bowl, like T. vr. b. ii. oor ; red. 44" x" x

T. xxu. c. ooz. Stout ring of string, bound round like T. xrv. iii. 001 5. Diam. of ring I", of string e. With it two tangles of string (two-ply). Diam. c. A".

T. xxii. c. 002. Fr. of coarse woollen fabric ; string-like woof on double warp ; buff with occasional line of dark brown. 71" x 5".

T. xxii. c. 003. Two pieces of thin buff leather (like wash-leather), run together with string. Both mtich torn. Gr. M. 9".

T. xxu. c. 004. Fr.,of loosely woven buff fabric; perhaps of same fibre as T. vr. b. i. oor 3 (q. v.). Gr. M. 8'.

T. xxu. c 005. Strip of buff silk fabric, plain weave, one end knotted. 9' x 34".

T. xxu. c. oo6. Narrow leather strap, with hole xi' from one end. Broken each end, once stained black on both sides. 84" x ~" X ?du.


T. xxu. c. ooz. Fabric frs., all plain silk, ragged, including :—three frs. of buff (one knotted), two strips of fine blue, one fr. of pale green sewn to buff, one fr. of maroon, and one of deep green. Gr. length (buff) I' 3".

T. xxu. c. oo8. Fabric frs., all plain silk, including :one piece dark brown silk twisted and sewn into a cord, 27" x one piece pale green silk, seven pieces buff (one knotted), and one piece each of brown, grey, and blue; bad condition. Gr. M. c. r' r".

T. xxii. c. oog. Two frs. of cotton (?) fabric, one grey-brown, the other red ; plain coarse weave. [Not analysed.] Gr. M. 5"

T. xxu. c. ooio. a. Strips of roughly joined figured silk in indigo and yellow-green. Pattern : ' all-over repeat ' set out upon lines crossing the material diagonally at equal intervals, at angles of 45° R. and L., resulting in squares placed diamond-wise. At junctions of lines, a highly conventional scroll pattern gives effect of a rosette. The lines are double, and on inner side are furnished with closely placed hook-shaped lines, a simplification of the latch-hook ' border. The alternate rows of squares are different in pattern.
