National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Serindia : vol.2 |
1072 CAVE-TEMPLES & ANTIQUES OF flowers on twining stems painted on fawn background, but is much broken, and whole of centre is covered by patch of purple silk gauze like Ch. 00344. Top of painting itself has broken away and been reattached to head-piece by backing of plain dull brown silk, from which hang side streamers of the same. Another patch of plum-coloured silk has been sewn across painting below, covering top-knot and tiara of fig. Subject : Bodhisattva, perhaps Avalokites&vara. In all main features practically same as Ch. lv. 0032, but arms here both raised from elbow ; R. horizontal before breast with second and third fingers curved, L. holding flaming jewel on finger-tips. Colouring of same thin and dead quality ; skirt dull red, girdle green and white, scarf on breast crimson and green, stole dull purple-brown with yellow and red on reverse side, shoulder draperies almost effaced, outlined grey .; red lotuses at ears. Flesh white tinged with pink. Painting I' 8 ' x 7F', length of whole 2' 2k'. Pl. LXXX. Ch. lv. oo35. Linen painting with Chin. inscr., showing Avalokilesvara, standing. Green linen border (except at bottom) ; good condition. Pose and emblems as in *Ch. 0052, but workmanship much better, and fig., dress, and coiffure of ' Chinese Buddhist ' type (as in *Ch. 002). No Dhyâni-buddha, but Stûpa in front of tiara. Colouring salmon-red, yellow, olive-green, and dark grey. Inscr. con- tains only salutation to Kuan-yin. (With border) 4' 5" Ch. lv. 0036. Painted linen banner with Chin. inscr. Head-piece border and streamers lost. Otherwise fair condition. Subject : Avalokilesvara, standing 4 L. with hands in adoration. For general descr. of type, and list of similar banners, see *Ch. i. ooi 6. Colouring only red, yellowish green, and yellow ; inferior drawing. Inscr. consists of salutation to ' Kuan-yin of long life '. 3' 5' (with headpiece) x r o'. Ch. lv. oo37. Painted linen banner ; one of set enumerated under Ch. liv. oo8. Same subject as liv. 009; good condition. Painting r' S" x 6e', length of whole 3' 5'. Pl. LXXXVIII. Ch. lv. 0038-43. Six painted linen banners ; complete with head-piece borders of buff linen, side and bottom streamers of greenish-blue linen, and paper weighting-boards painted with conventional lotus design. Small size, dirty ; workmanship of roughest description ; colouring only red and dingy yellowish green. Subject of all : Avalokitesvara (?), standing â L. or R. with hands in adoration. For general descr. of type and list of similar banners, see *Ch. i. ooi6. Painting i' to r' r" x 51', length of whole 2' ro'. Ch. lv. 0044. Lower end of painted silk banner, with four bottom streamers of greenish-grey silk (discoloured), and weighting-board painted with lotus design in black and dark green, outlined yellow, upon dark red. Subject : Bodhisattva. Stands â L. upon bright yellow lotus, red-edged; from knees down only preserved. Draperies | THE THOUSAND BUDDHAS [Ch. XXV and style of work as in *Ch. 002. Colouring chiefly pink, slate, green, and crimson, all fresh. Painting air' x 64', length with streamers 4' 3". Ch. lv. 0045. Painted silk banner, retaining three bottom streamers of fine brown silk. Head-piece, side streamers, and upper end of painting lost ; remainder much broken. Subject : Avalokitarvara (Kuan-yin). Head lost, but fig. practically identical with Ch. i. 00r3 and prob. traced from same orig. L. hand however holds willow leaf in place of lotus bud, and work is much more careless in detail ; e. g. drawing of R. hand holding flask, and painting of jewels. Colouring, fairly preserved, consists chiefly of deep pink (on stole) and light red approaching scarlet (on skirt). Reverse of stole is olive-green (much lost), streamers orange and scarlet, lotus underfoot light blue. Agitated tassels swinging out from robe suggest rapid movement. Painting i' 54" x 7r, length with streamers 4' 2". Ch. lv. 0046. Painted silk banner, with Chin. inscr. ; broken at top and all accessories lost. Otherwise almost intact, and colour exceptionally fresh. Subject : Virripaksa, Guardian of the West, inscr. reading Hsi fang Fi-lou p'o-ch'a t'ien wang, stands, turning slightly L., on knee and shoulder of squatting demon, holding before him long sword in scabbard whose point rests on demon's head. Dress generally as in *Ch. 0035 (see also General Note, *Ch. ooro), but without skirt, greaves, or stole ; -legs clad only in breeches tied below knee and hanging loose to ankle. Coat of mail rather long, and over hips and front hang small trefoil-shaped flaps of green leather. Round neck, over dark brown mantle, a sausage-shaped collar, white spotted with pink rosettes, fastened by jewel under chin ; narrow streamers fly from shoulders and elbows. Scale-armour painted yellow and red ; scales oblong with nicked edge in skirts, and overlapping upwards ; round-edged on body and shoulders. Feet shod with string shoes of same pattern as in Ch. 0022. Whole of legs and drapery below knees is uncoloured, showing traces only of white. Arm-guards painted in horizontal bands of brown, indigo, green, and crimson. Face large-cheeked and irregular in shape, and wears pleasant expression. Eyes are oblique, well opened, gazing up to L., nose long and protruding, mouth small and parted, ears elongated and orn. with rings. Hair black, festooned on forehead ; head-dress a close-fitting cap of olive-green with red ' cock's-crest ' rising at back, whole elaborately bound with gold and decked with jewels, tassels, and streamers at ears. Circular halo dull brown with indigo border, flame-edged, and behind is brown cloud. Demon painted grey, with bony face, red falling hair and wide tight-shut mouth. He squats on R. knee and L. foot, and supports Virûpâksa's foot with R. hand. Chief colours, as descr. above, are yellow and red of scale-armour, crimson of corslet border and discs, breast-girdle, breeches (to knees), and hair and dhôti of demon, and greenish indigo of | ||||||||
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