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0527 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 527 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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of one above hem of robe, and face of other, destroyed, R. hand of latter in vilarka-mudra. Then cartouche, inscr. effaced.

  1. Remains of Buddha seated European fashion on throne, with monk attendant on either side. Hands and face lost. Then cartouche, inscr. effaced.

  2. Fr. of scene showing ladder being hoisted (supporters lost), and two men standing under it with hands in adoration. They are bearded, with hair on their head done

in top-knot at back or on top ; one wears scarlet mantle reaching to knee ; the other dhôti or short trousers reaching to knee. Legs of both below knee, including feet, are bare.

Below, on L., comes (iv) a Bodhisattva, seated cross-legged on flat rock supported on the prone figs. of two princes, whose heads emerge in front, gargoyle-fashion. The Bva. has R. hand in bhttmisparia-mudra, L. open on crossed feet. Dress : a red skirt and red mantle covering L. shoulder and arm ; elaborate crown formed by triple monster head (human in middle, boar-heads at side) from whose open jaws hang jewelled tassels ; necklace, in which is set wide petal-edged collar of silk (?); chased gold belt, bracelets, ear-rings, and knee-cap orns. Circular vesica and halo of ogee shape. From inscr. above on R. fig. seems to represent a statue in the Kingdom of Magadha, which may be identified with the ' Vajrâsana of Mahä-bodhi '.

To R. beside this (v) a Buddha, standing, with R. hand raised in abhaya-mudra, open ; and L. hanging by side, thumb, first and fourth fingers extended. Mantle and robe are uncoloured ; mantle draped equally over both shoulders and arms, while over it a necklace with elaborate chased orn. of conventional floral design. Head-dress unusual, consisting of plain, three-banded, brimless crown widening towards the top, from which a pink veil hangs behind back of fig. to ankles. Enveloping whole fig. is elliptical vesica filled with radiating busts of small standing Buddhas. For identification of fig. with Sâkyamuni performing the ' Great Miracle of Arâvasti', see above, p. 878. Sq. inscr. cartouche above, on R., inscr. effaced. To R. of this were remains of pointed halo belonging to seated fig. [but not to the seated fig. now mounted in this place].

Below, on L., come a narrow cartouche with remains of inscr. (illegible) and (vi) a .Buddha (small scale) seated cross-legged on throne, the seat supported by two lions, the back by two rampant griffins, with deer-like bodies, birds' heads, and rudimentary featherless wings forming a spiral at attachment to shoulder. Overhead is umbrella hung with bells ; two Bodhisattvas with fly-whisks look over back of throne. B. has hands in same mudra as in Kha. i. C. 0097.

To R. of this (vii) a Buddha (small scale) in yellow robe, seated cross-legged on Padmâsana with hands folded. Circular halo and vesica in one, behind. Remains of standing Bodhisattva either side, one with lotus spray carrying seated Buddha. Right-angled cartouche on R. above; inscr. effaced.

Below these are two more small-scale groups : (viii) 974

cartouche, inscr. effaced, and Buddha in yellow robe seated on mat supported by two lions ; R. hand over knee (palm inwards), L. raised, open ; and (ix) a narrow-waisted vessel, with a triple elephant-head rising from it, and within elephant-heads, a child Buddha. Scarlet lotuses also spring from side elephant-heads, and support small seated Buddhas on the vessel's brim. The vessel stands on a stepped plinth, and small human figs. clamber about it, or kneel on plinth with hands in adoration. No cartouche.

To R. of last four groups is a fig. again of normal size : (x) a Bodhisattva, seated cross-legged on dragon-throne with fingers interlaced on lap, and thumbs joined at tips. Dress : long skirt or dhôti ; mantle over R. shoulder ; armlet; bracelets ; and elaborate necklace with heavy orn. on breast showing two dragon-heads in profile on either side of a pair of Buddha (?) busts—the whole orn. hanging from two bear-masks which adorn necklace at collar bones. Head-dress destroyed except for small fig. of bear, apparently forming part of R. ear-ring. Circular halo with miniature shrine at top ; and border of flames, interspersed with small kneeling Bodhisattvas with lute, drum, etc., flying inwards round it.

To R. again : (xi) a Buddha standing on lotus ; uncoloured mantle over both shoulders ; L. arm lost ; R. arm held out sideways, hand open ; fingers slightly curved. Circular halo, and oval vesica with ogee top enclosing group of small Buddha seated on lotus with R. hand raised ; standing Bodhisattva on either side, and gazelle kneeling in L. corner. Gazelle in R. lost. Prob. image representing First Sermon. Cartouche above, on L., inscr. effaced.

Below again, much broken, on L. : (xii) Avalokile'vara standing, lotus in R. hand, flask in L., third eye in centre of forehead, dress and jewels of ' Indian ' Bodhisattva with standing Dhyâni-buddha on front of tiara. Circular halo and oblong vesica with rounded corners. On either side background of rocks (fragmentary), in nooks of which are small seated Buddhas with worshippers. Immediately to L. of Avalok., one above the other, a Garuda with lute ; a white lion lying down ; and three worshippers with yellow flesh and hair dressed in plain cone, unhaloed, seated with hands in adoration. Traces of corresponding figs. immediately on R. Above are three bears, and in front of them two Apsaras holding a crown over Avalok.

[In broken space to R., as frs. are now mounted, appear two cartouches, one blank, one with Chin. inscr. (4 ll. incomplete), but neither belongs here. When painting was first opened at British Museum, the inscr. cartouche still formed part of the detached fr. on which fig. xvi appears ; • and the other, part of fr. containing figs. xiv and x%. See below, and enlargement of Inventory photograph No. 161 1.]

On R. again appears (xiii) a standing fig. of Sakyamuni in grotto of Vulture Peak. Attitude and dress exactly as in embroidery Ch. 00260, and painting fr. Ch. oo59,—with R. arm and shoulder bare, R. arm hanging straight down with open palm and fingers extended downwards, L. hand gathering up ear' of drapery at breast ; cf. above, pp. 878 sq., 895. Treatment of drapery also extraordinarily similar. Circular halo, and oval vesica (almost straight-sided)
