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0529 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 529 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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inscription, representing Avalokiledvara (Kuan-yin), standing, without attendants. Upper 4 of fig. preserved, but almost whole of remainder lost. Part preserved in good condition, and characteristic example of elaborate `Chinese' Bodhisattva.

Fig. stands 4 R., R. hand raised holding willow spray over shoulder, L. at waist carrying flask. The Dhyânibuddha is represented standing on front of tiara, with hands in abhaya- and vara-mudrâ. Dress, ornaments, and physical features of *Ch. 002 type ; workmanship very skilful and refined. Stole of fine dull blue forms chief note of colour in picture ; under-robe of pale olive-green, rising only to breasts and held up over L. shoulder by band of pale pink ; jewellery elaborate and plentifully strung with pale pink stones. Fig. particularly soft and full ; face of normal ` Chinese Buddhist' type with low forehead, full cheeks, small mouth and chin, and oblique prominent eyes gazing downward and three-fourths covered by heavy lids. Small moustache and beard shown by wavy brush-lines on lip and chin. Hair black ; flesh left the original greenish brown of silk, but shaded with light red. Red-flowering branches, prob. originally intended to represent lotus, grow up R. side of picture. Fig. evidently intended to be walking, as tasselled canopy above halo is in violent agitation.

Inscription on cartouche on R. edge contains only salutation to Kuan-yin. Cf. for other standing figs. of Avalok., unaccompanied, *Ch. oo88 ; above, p. 867. 3' 7" x I' 8A". Thousand Bfuddhas, Pl. XIX.

Ch. xxii. 0032. Painted paper banner, showing Bodhisattva. From same series as Ch. xx. 0015, and same rough style of work ; but Bodhisattva's dress and physical type copied from ' Chinese Buddhist ' type of *Ch. ooz. Stands facing spectator, head 4 L., hands in adoration. Colouring dull red, yellow, olive-green, slate, and brown. Painting I' 5" x 64" ; length of whole 3' 5".

Ch. xxii. 0033. Paper painting, belonging to series Ch. 00162, etc., and showing divinity unhaloed, riding on peacock. Fig. like that of above mentioned, except that it wears Bodhisattva dress of Indian' style. In R. hand it carries flaming jewel, in L. cock. Style coarse but effective, with heavy brush-lines, and simple colouring of terra-cotta, bluish green, and slate-blue. Blank cartouche for inscr. in L.

upper corner.   x 1' of".

Ch. xxii. 0084. Paper painting from same series as Ch. 00162, etc., showing Varsravana. Seated on low couch or sitting platform with L. leg bent across, and R. leg hanging. L. hand holds halberd, R. miniature shrine. Dress and armour as in companion picture Ch. xvii. 003, except that V. wears three-leaved crown upon his head and corslet over his coat of mail. The latter is painted on body and arms in horizontal stripes of yellow and grey, but without scales. Beneath,it a red skirt covers legs. Colouring and style of work as in others of series ; condition good. r' 6 x I' O1"

Ch. xxii. 0085. Lower half of painted silk banner, with frs. of streamers of Clark brown silk.

Subject : Scenes from the Life of Buddha; two preserved.



Belongs to series Ch. 0089, q. v. for description of style, colouring, etc.

Scene r. Buddha's Bath-in Lumbini Garden. B. stands in an oblong basin raised on lotus pedestal, while stream of water falls on his head from white and slate-coloured thundercloud above. On either side kneel Maya and PrajApati with hands clasped in adoration.

Scene 2. The Seven Steps. Buddha stands in middle of large pink and white lotus, R. arm stretched up and finger pointing to heaven, L. pendent. Three other lotuses lie round, and flowers float in the air. ' On R. kneel Maya and Prajapati ; and on L. a man in red coat and black-tailed cap.

In both scenes Buddha has black hair and fig. of a grown man, and wears a red dhôli. Women's dress and orns. as in Ch. 00ß9. Work very rough. Blank cartouche for inscr. by side of each scene.

For other representation of both scenes, see Ch. 001 14 ; for the Seven Steps, Ch. lv. ooro. I' X 7a'.

Ch. xxii. 0036. Frs. of printed silk, plain weave, thin, much decayed. Pattern : rows (repeated diagonally) of six-petalled circular rosettes with flat spreading leaf springing from behind each petal. In spandrels small six-petalled rosettes, with triple forked leaf springing from alternate petals. Ground and inner circle of petals in large rosettes, indigo; other petals, red or pink ; leaves green ; trefoils yellow (?). Faded. Gr. M. c. 1' 6" x 10'.

Ch. xxiii. oox. Painted silk banner, fragmentary, on light grey silk gauze of very open texture.

Subject : Virfipiiksa, Guardian of the West; a replica of Ch. xxxiv. 004. R. arm here preserved, with hand raised prob. supporting some emblem on finger-tips; also back of head showing part of tiara.

As in other paintings on this coarse gauze (e.g. Ch. xxii. 004), colouring and outlines are lost to a great extent ; but predominant hues were light blue and orange as in the above, flesh being light pink, and straps, mantle, etc., black. Remains above, backed with paper, of painted valance, with vandyked hanging and rosette-orn. band in dark blue, green, crimson, and orange.

Main portion z' 8 ' x 7".

Ch. xxiii. 002-4. Three painted linen banners, retaining head-pieces and (002) side streamers ; other accessories lost ; 003 ragged and incomplete at edges and bottom.

Subject : Avalokitedvara, standing with hands in adoration ; 002 4 R., 003 facing spectator, 004 4 L. For descr. oftype and list of similar banners, see *Ch. i. 0016. Bad drawing and workmanship, especially 004. 002 has Chin. inscr. containing salutation to Kuan-yin. (With head-pieces) 3'5"x61", 3'9"x91", 3' if' x8".

Ch. xxiii. 006. Painted linen banner, with headpiece border and remains of streamers of light buff linen. Fair condition, but colour faded. Companion painting to Ch. 00140.

Subject : Bodhisattva, standing facing spectator ; R. hand raised to shoulder and turned backwards, thumb and first 6P2