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0535 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 535 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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streamers. Remainder almost intact and colour well preserved.

Subject : Dhrlaràslra, Guardian of the East. A good example of Indian ' type of Lokapâla; see *Ch. ooro, General Note. . Treatment much stiffer than in the *Ch. 0035 class, and becomes almost mechanically formal in some instances (Ch. 0085, xxvi. a. oo I). The fig. always stands facing spectator ; one foot often on higher level than other, that knee bent, and weight thrown on other hip (Ch. xlix. 007). The stiff dress seen thus from directly in front lends itself to specially symmetrical treatment. The effect is increased by careful arrangement of skirt folds and ends of stole in corresponding masses or streamers upon either side (Ch. xlix. 007).

The bodies are long-waisted and slim ; the heads generally erect and facing spectator, but sometimes in â profile ; the

faces human, of non-Chinese type, but generally with grotesque eyes. In Ch. xxvi. a. oo6 and xlix. 007, where the eyes are normal, they are practically straight.

The dress has been described in General Note, *Ch. ooro, also the chief points in which it varies from ' Chinese ' type

(*Ch. 0035), the long-skirted coat shape of coat of mail, the protective apron and flaps over hips, the black close-fitting shoes, plain or orn. with gold. None of figs. wear sandals or rope shoes, or mantle. The corslet is generally in form or

a cuirass, passing round body under arms and buckled over shoulders by straps as in *Ch. 0035, though the straps do not

appear in some instances (Ch. xxvi. a. oo6 and xlix. o07); but in some it is a breastplate simply (*Ch. ooro, xxvi. a. oor); in some the two forms are combined (Ch. 0085, lxi. 001).

The various forms of greaves, arm-guards, helmets, and tiaras are described under the separate banners. In the

most ' Indian ' of banners the haloes are always plain discs

of green, surrounded by a ring of close-creeping flame, and with no scroll of cloud at the side ; but in one or two of

mixed character the flame is omitted (*Ch. ooro), or the cloud is found as well (Ch. lv. 0046). In another of these the halo is white with a flaming top (Ch. lxi. ooi). Remains of canopies are seen in Ch. xlix. 007 and lv. 005.

Ch. xxvi. a. oo6. Stands facing spectator on hand and knee of seated demon, head turned towards R. shoulder, weight thrown on R. leg and L. side relaxed. Supports arrow with both hands, and carries bow slung on L. arm. Coat of mail reaches mid-thigh ; scales round-edged and overlapping downwards on body and shoulders, oblong on skirts ; overlapping not indicated. On each shoulder on short lotus stem stands a flaming jewel.

Head and neck protected by helmet of plain leather, with rim curling out at ear, and high sausage-shaped collar, as in Ch. Iv. 0017. Leather (?) centre-piece strengthening lower belt is in shape of horned beast-mask; flaps over hips of tiger-skin ; apron in front apparently of leather. Breeches tucked inside greaves; greaves of whole leather or plate-armour with variegated appliqué discs over calves as descr. in *Ch. ooro. Arm=guards of striped horizontal bands round arms. Shoes have gold binding and ornamentation round sole.


The face is serious but not ferocious, with long straight pointed nose of ` Caucasian ' type ; long eyes level ; long narrow moustache, and fringe of short beard and whisker. Hands long-fingered and slim. Upper part of halo and all above, lost.

Colour well preserved, and consists almost entirely of yellow (on scale-armour and ground of helmet); crimson (on

collar and borders of helmet and coat of mail); both colours

mingled on tiger-skin And skirt, and olive-green on corslet,
animal mask, pleated edge of coat of mail, and one side of

stole. Hip-belt and reverse of stole are dark brown ; and girdle, breeches, inside of skirt, and sleeves on upper arm, white. Flesh warm pink carefully shaded with red.

From size, edging, pattern of rhomboid band at foot, and streamers, as well as from general workmanship, the banner evidently belongs to series *Ch. xxvi. a. 007 ; and pairs with

Ch. xlix. 007.   •

For other Lokapâlas of Indian' style, see Ch. 00307, 00469; Iv. 005. I' 3â' X 5â'. PI. LXXXVII.

*Ch. xxvi. a. ooq. Painted silk banner of Indian type, recalling series *Ch. lv. 004. Upper end of painting and accessories lost, remainder well preserved.

Subject :Mai jusri ; cf. Ch. Iv. 0030. Fig., a R., stands on conventional yellow-centred pink and white lotus. R. hand carries sword over shoulder, L. arm raised from elbow and hand held well out, palm uppermost. Body slim-waisted and curving like those of *Ch. 1v. 004 series, and face of same type. Legs stiffly draped in long skirt of striped green, red, yellow, and white over laingôli of chocolate brown ; girdle of pink and white scroll-patterned stuff with green and yellow ends ; stole of chocolate brown and yellow ; red scarf across breast ; narrow band of greenish blue, double or triple, spotted with white and strung with two lozenge-shaped metal orns., hanging from shoulder to knee. Tiara a single circlet set with three high triangular gold orns, and lotuses at ears ; no anklets or armlets. Hair done in high black cone on top of head and loose ringlets on shoulders. Flesh painted dark olive-green throughout, with traces of red on inner ear, lips, palms of hands, and soles of feet. Between oval halo and blank inscr. cartouche in R. top corner, what appears to be tail of snake.

For other paintings of the same series, see Ch. xxvi. a. oo6, 009, 00ro, 0032, and xlix. 007.

I' 3r X 5 '. Pl. LXXXVII.

Ch. xxvi. a. 008. Painted silk banner ; upper end of painting with head-piece and side streamers lost ; bottom streamers, of dark brown silk, and weighting-board preserved. Painting fragmentary.

Subject : Bodhisattva. Stands - L. upon two lotuses, that under L. foot only preserved. R. arm raised from elbow and hand stretched out, palm uppermost, second and third fingers bent ; L. hand in vitarka-mudrà ; pink lotus bud on tiara. Painting of type *Ch. 002. Colouring apparently chiefly pale blue and scarlet on exceptionally dark brown of gauze, but much lost and dimmed. Dark pink cartouche for inscr. to L. of head, blank.

Painting I' roe' X 7', length with streamers 5' 4'.
