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0129 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 / 129 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



232. FUGIU   725

blazing rock or the abyss which drains and volatilizes the waters of the Ocean, the   $ Wei-lü

of the Chinese, the Vaçlavâmukha, or « Mouth of the Mare », of the Indians, and the women become pregnant by exposing themselves to the south wind. The two groups of stories are sometimes confused, or at least interrelated, in Chinese as well as in Mussuiman sources.

  1.  FERLEC

falach, falech V falet FA

felech Z; R felet TA3

fellet FA, TA3

ferbet TA1

ferdelet, ferlet FB ferlec F, L

ferlech LT, VA, VL

ferlochi G

trerlech P

forlech Z

forlleto, fortello VB

All agree to identify the name with Malay 39 Periak, Atchinese Pörölar, the Perlak of our maps on the northern coast of Sumatra, about 35 miles south-east of Diamond Point, which is still called, in Malay, Tanjung Pariak; Rasidu-'d-Din mentions it as « Barlak » (cf. Fe, 361, 670; also

Y, it, 287; III, 108). In Chinese texts, we find it   Fa-li-lang in 1282 (YS, 12, 4 b);

IJ Fa-li-la and   tIJ Pieh-li-la in 1284 (YS, 13, 2 b et 4 b; ROCKHILL is wrong in TP, 1914,

439); it IJ IJ Fa-êrh-la in 1295 ( YS, 18, 8 b, where the king's younger brother is called   *IJ A

Mi-la-pa-tu) ; A I J I J Pa-la-la in 1292-1293 (YS, 131, 8 b). On the Chinese map of c. 1400,

E   tJA Pa-lu-t'ou is probably, as supposed by PHILLIPS (JNCB, xxi, 38), to be interpreted as
« Pa-lu Head », « Periak Head », = Diamond Point (although this t'ou occurs sometimes in transcriptions, and we read in a text of 1537 pa-la-t'ou = bélddaw, « dagger » ; cf. GROENEVELDT, Notes, 247; but t'ou is used elsewhere on the map in the sense of « cape »). Finally, I see Periak in the « island » (hsû) of E IJ Pa-la named between Aru and Samudra in the nautical instructions partly reproduced in the Hsi-yang ch'ao-kung tien-lu of 1520 (cf. TP, 1915, 145; also FUJITA'S commentary of the Tao-i chih-lio, 69 a). It will be noticed that Polo's «Ferlec» seems an Arabized form, and that the case is the same with most of the Chinese transcriptions.

  1.  FUGIU


cagui, cangui VB cangiu R frigui VL fugiu F, Fr, t, L; R

fugni TAl, TM fugui P5, V, Z fuguy FA, FB, 1 fungni TA3

.fungu, furgu VA fungum G sugui LT suguy LTr