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0252 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 / 252 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



848   355. TAURISIN

in 1225, and the name is absent from the Chinese Map of ca. 1330 and from the corresponding list in YS, 63. Although in 1330 Tabriz had already been superseded as capital of the ilkhan by Sullâniyah, this omission is surprising.

In the second-hand summary of a mission which came back in 1407, f   E T'ao-lo-ssû
is probably Tabriz as is said by BRETSCHNEIDER (Br, II, 144), although the transcription, supposing *Tauros instead of Tauris, is irregular (cf. Ye-hu-pien, pou-yi, c. iv, 46 a). The p f * !~! T'aolai-ssû which sent envoys in 1431 (Ming shih, 332, 10 a) must be Tabriz, as asserted by BRETSCHNEIDER (Br, II, 294); the transcription seems to represent a pronunciation *Taurêz, which finds perhaps some analogy in Schiltberger's « Thaures » and in the Armenian « Tavré ». Tabriz appears once more in the Ming shih (332, 12 b) under the form f ,. fj E T'ieh-pi-ii-ssû, *Täbris, and is to be recognized in the ritjiEiL J ,Eitt T'ieh-pai-lieh-ssû, *Täbräs, of a Ming itinerary (cf. China Review, y, 238-239; I have epigraphic proof of the pronunciation pai for (A).

The best historical notice on Tabriz is due to MINORSKY, in EI, s. v. «Tabriz»; cf. also LS, 161-163; Mi, 142.


tauricini LT tauriti VB tauriz F

taurizi V

taurizins TA', TM

thaurisini R touzi FA, FB

Pers. Tabrizi, inhabitant of Tabriz. Polo gives the word with a Western terminal -n, just as he writes « Mosulin » for the inhabitants of Mosul. RR, 33, writes « Torisins »; BI, 33, « taurcsini » (Ital. plur.). The reading with -o- instead of -au- goes against all the Mss. For the rest, I agree with RR and BI, in spite of the forms in -z- of the French and other Mss., as I do not think there was a single -z- in Rustichello's original spelling and there is almost no notation with -z in the Mss. for the name of « Tauris »; z is generally rendered with a ç. So the -z- of the French and other Mss., which in the present case agrees with the Persian original, seems to be a mere coincidence; « Thaurisini » in R suggests that the Mss. of the Z type wrote the name with -s-.

  1.  TEGANA

tegana F, L

Although YULE ( Y, II, 474) has said nothing about him, this is certainly the emir « Tekne » of Hal, I, 396, to be read *Tägänä. He was in 1289 and 1290 a commander of the Qaraunas (see « Caraunas »; cf. Hal, II, 14, 545). The name is probably Turkish : T. täknä, « trough », in Kâsyari (BROCKELMANN, 202), and in Osm.; but tägänä in Coman and Kirghiz. For a prince of the same name, cf. BI, II, 96.