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0199 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 / 199 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



302. NOMOGAN   795

  1.  ML

nil Z   nillo VB   nilo R

The Nile. Named only once by Polo, in the passage relating to the trade between Aden and Alexandria. This passage reproduces hearsay information imparted by Mussulmans.


nemogan L

nomagan FA, V

nomogan F, Z   nomungan LT

Mong. Nomoyan, Nomoqan, which means « peaceful ». In Ragidu-'d-Din, u,.~. Nomoyan

(Bl, II, 353, 362, 535); in Was§àf,   Nomoyan (it is this Nomoyan which, misread « Temkjan »
in Hai, II, 3rd genealog. table, and « Lemghan » in Ha2, 127, is responsible for Qubilai's extra son « Temkan » in Y, I, 361) ; the Mongol chronicle is cognisant of him, and writes « Nomoqan » (SCHMIDT, Gesch. der Ost-Mongolen, 119); in Chinese, #i 7Ky No-mu-han, M 7 â Nan-mu-

ha (= *Nommuqa), 5   No-mu-han, JJ($ 7(C f No-mu-kan (cf. WANG Hui-tsu2, 42, 6 a).

Nomoyan was Qubilai's fourth son, according to Chinese as well as Persian sources ( YS, 107, 8 b; Bl, II, 362); he was born of the same Empress eabui as the princes Chên-chin (see « Cinchim ») and Mangala (see « Mangalai »). At the same time as for Mangala, a Chinese tutor had been appointed in 1264 to instruct him in Chinese scholarship ( YS, 5, 9 a). On July 9, 1266, Nomoyan received the title of Prince of t T. Pei-p'ing ( YS, 6, 3 a; the date of 1265 in YS, 108, 2 a, is wrong; and of course « 1262 » given by HAMMER [Ha2, 127] for a battle between « Lemghan » [read Nomoyan] and Qaidu must be rejected). In 1271 (YS, 13, 2 a), he was sent with troops to the north-west and stationed at Almaliq, the extreme western limit of Qubilai's territory, to ward off encroachments from the princes of Cayatai's branch and from Ögödäi's grandson Qaidu (cf. YS, 12, 1 a). In particular, his troops fought with success against Baraq's (see « Barac ») successor, *Nägiibai (cf. JA, 1927, II, 266, and see «Negodar »), in 1271 or 1272 (cf. YS, 8, 3 b). In the course of these and the following years, the pên-chi mention several grants of arms, sheep, and particularly of horses by thousands and tens of thousands to Nomoyan and his army. About 1274-1275 (no date is given in the pên-chi; that in