国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 | |
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2 |
358. TENDUC 849
temul G temur F, FA, TA', TM, VA | temut V tenur FA | themur FB, LT, P, VL; R |
Tämiir (« iron » in Turk. and Mong.) ; the name is quite common. This is Chên-chin's (see « Cinchim ») third son, according to Chinese as well as Persian sources. Tämiir is the name under which he was known before his accession to the throne (Pa, 263, is quite wrong on that point) ; when he succeeded Qubilai, he took the title of Öijäitü, «Fortunate» (cf. YS, 18, I a; BI, u, 358),
while his posthumous title is b Ch'êng-tsung, « Perfect Ancestor » (BI, 448, is mistaken on the
nature of that title). Tämiir, born on October 15, 1265, ascended the throne on May 10, 1294, and died on February 10, 1307.
tanduc FA tangut VB
Province or Plain
candur G chanudue, trangut V sandug VB senduc F, Fr, t stangut LT
tenduc F, FB, L, TA', TAs, Z; R
tandu FB
tanduc F, FA, FB, L, TA', TAS
tanduch P, VA tanguth VL
tenduch LT, VA trangut V
tenduc F, FB, L, LT, TAI, TAS, V, Z; R
tenduch LT, P, VA; R tenguc F
tentuc FAt
There ought to have been no discussion about the name since KLAPROTH, more than a century
ago, derived it from X ft T'ien-tê-chün, the « army of T'ien-tê ». But PAUTHIER, though he
was faced with a correct interpretation, opposed it at once. In spite of PALLADius's additional arguments and of my own indications in JA, 1912, I, 595-596 (alluded to in Y, III, 62, where I am
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