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0198 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.2
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 / 198 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



794   299. NICOLAU

In 1284-1285, he led 1 000 Qara-Jang and Mongols to fight in Tonking under the command of Prince Toyiin. In 1291, he was promoted p'ing-chang of Shàn-hsi, and died the next year. I have mostly followed in this summary account the indications of YS, 125, and of T'u Chi, 80, 3-5. VIssIÉRE, Etudes Sino-Mahométanes, ire série, must be used with some caution; in particular, the names are given by VIssIÈRE with Ch'ien-lung's fanciful spellings. In his remarkable paper of 1909, HUBER has shown (BEFEO, ix, 651, 666) that the campaign against Burma of which Polo gives an account was not that of 1278 which was led by Na4ru-'d-Din, but that in which Äsäntämür engaged in 1287.

Na4ru-'d-Din is named by Raid (BI, II, 506-507), but the Persian historian adds nothing about Na4ru-'d-Din's activities in Yün-nan to what we know better from other sources; his spelling of the name, which I have adopted, does not countenance HUBER'S restitution « Nâçir ed-Din ». Rasidu'd-Din adds that, when he wrote, Na4ru-'d-Din had been dead for five or six years and that he was buried at Ilan-balïq in his (Na4r's) own garden (cf. also Y, II, 104). But Ra4id must be mistaken as to the date, since he wrote after 1300, while Na4ru-'d-Din died in 1292.


niccholaio TA3 niccholo TA1 nichol 0

nicholas FB

nicholaus P, P5, Z nichollo V, VB

nicholo V, VL

nichuola VA

niclos, nycklos, nycolaus G

nicolao F, Fr, t

nicolas FA

nicolau F

nicolaus FB, L, LT

nicollo VA, VB

nicolo FB, VA, VB, VL; R

nycholas FB

This appears to be Rustichello's spelling for Nicoll, Marco Polo's father.


niccholaio da (di) uinegia TA1, TA3

nicholaus vincentinus P nicholaus vincentius P5 nicholo da vizenzia VL

nicholo de lonbardia V nicolau de uicense F nicolaus de vincentia LT nicolaus lombardus L nicole de nisence FA

nicolla da uizenza VB nicolà da vicenza R nicolo da uizenza VA nicolo de uisence FB

One of the two Dominicans who were to accompany the three Polos to Qubilai's Court, but who did not go farther than Ayas, the port of Lesser Armenia (see « Laias »). Nothing else seems to be known about Nicoll da Vicenza.