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0328 Antiquities of Indian Tibet : vol.2
インド・チベットの芸術品 : vol.2
Antiquities of Indian Tibet : vol.2 / 328 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000266
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE






Bag-mkhar, in the Suru valley. See Shakhar. Sag-mkhar, or Sa-gar, S`a-dkar, castle of the Cig-tan

chiefs . . .   . 113

Mt-Vier-pa, a house and family at 'A-lci .   . 250

Sag-thub. See gab-kya-thub-pa.

Sa-gyog, the Shayok river   .   . 189

Sahadat Khan, ninth chief of Parkuda   191

Bah-bin, a landholder at Ki-no   .   . 180
Sahi Chand. See Bhagi Chand.

Sabi-cho, a place in Turkestan   87
Sabi-lde-brgyad, the eight beauties of the earth, a

group of kings .   80
Sabi-legs-drug, the six good ones of the earth, a

group of kings .   .

Ba-hjan, Sháh-Jahán, the Mughal emperor Bab-kya, Sákya, Buddha's family name .

Bab-kya-muni, an image of Buddha   .
gib-kya-thub-pa, the first king of Zains-dkar gib-kya-rgya-mtsho, a Ladakhi field-marshal Sa-khri, one of the Bar-gyi-ldifn kings Sálcya-thub-pa, or Sag-thub, Buddha ;

his image .   .
Salăganwait, Adolf von Schlagintweit, a travel

„   Hermann, a traveller .

Sa-lam, consort of princess Raj-Sikim   .

Sa-lam = Urdű salám .   140,

Sa-lam-khán, a chief of Sod .   .
Salám-Khatun, a descendant of [S]golam-Kha

-lu, a kind of rice   .   .
Salmunde. See Sultan Salmunde. Sam. See Gsam.

Samantabhadra. See Kun-tu-bzan-po.

Bambara. See Bde-mchog.

Samarcand. See Rna-nam.

Sa-na = Urdű sanat   .

San-gha-rmal, a king of Gu-ge   .

Sa-nid, a Dard village on the Indus Sa-ni-[tshog], a lamasery in Zans-dkar

San-ku, a village in the Suru valley Saűs-rgyas, Buddha, 75, 81, 90-1, 92,

109, 116, 212 ; as elephant, 233 Sails-rgyas-blo-gros, Drun -pa, a lama Sántibhadra. See, Zi-ba-bzan-po. Sántiraksita. See Zi-ba-btsho.

Sa-phud, a village .





Sa-skya, a lamasery, the capital of the Sa-skya

hierarchs .   103, 108, 169, 244, 275

Sa-skywi-rnam-rgyal, a prince of Ladakh .   .   .120-2
Sa-spo-la, a village on the Indus, the seat of a

minister .   .   .   .   .   134, 251, 275, 281
Sa-spo-rtse, a village on the brook above Sa-spo-la . 239 Bata-kratu. See Brgya-[s]byia.

Satánika. See Dmag-brgya-pa.

Sataseihasrikà Prajná-paramitá. See Stoff-phragbrgya-pa.

Satpur, a village near Skar-rdo with an ancient

aqueduct   . 184

Sa-tsho-ma, Gopá, Buddha's wife .   ▪   75

Sa-wan, a kind of animal   .   . 108

Sa-yog. See Shayok.

Sbag-ram-bhig. See Mag-ram-beg.

Sbal-ti-[yul], or Bhal-ti, Baltistan .   85, 87, 106-7, 110,
113-14, 131, 135-7, 184-5, 193, 232-5, 240, 250-4, 262-4, 266, 269, 273-5

Sbal-ti-dgra-bcom, a Balti Arhat .   . 183

Sba-rab, or Spa-rab, a priest .   .   92

Sbar-rtse, a village in Pu-rig .   . 232
Sbru-sal. See Hbru-sal.

Sbyaii-lam, a ritual   .   .   101, 111
Schiefner, Franz Anton, Eine tibetische Lebensbeschrei-

   bung Selkyamuni's .   ▪   76

fiber die Verschlechterungs-

   perioden der Menschheit .   76

   Gtsan-ma-klu-hbum-dkar-po .   79

Schlagintweit, Emil, von, Life of Padmasambhava . 88 Schmidt, I. J., Moravian translator of the Bible, editor

and translator of Ssanang Ssetsen, History of the

Mongols. See Ssanang Ssetsen.

Sde-bchiii-Bha-dur, an official in Glo (?) .   . 233
Sde-pa-gtsaii-po, a title of the governor of Dbus and

Gtsan. .   . 42


  •  80 110, 114, 187 72-3, 77, 213

  •  91 156-7 113, 242-4

.   79

63, 67-8, 75

. . 113

ler   . 2, 204


.   180

143, 146, 255

177 144 67




.54, etc., 146 . 169 . 272 156, 159-60

251, 258 107,

; as rhinoceros 233 of Dkar-sa   . 160

  •    115-17

86, 88

  •  66

  •  216 65-6, 70, 279 Kuen-Luin

. 250

„ „ an earnest in land sale

Sa-ra = Urdű sará   .
Sa-ra-then-po, the great caravansery at Leh

Saráhan, the royal palace of Bashahr   .

Sa-rail, a village in Lahul   .   .
Bar-ba, or Udayana, a prince of Kauéámbi

Sardár, or Sirdar, a title of a military officer

Sa-rdehu-nag-po, a demon   .   •.
Bar-[g]sum, or Sharsam, a chief of Gun-ran

Sar-kar = Urdű sarkár .   .

gar-lus-bphags-po, Pűrva-Videha, the

Continent .   •.
Sarmik, Gser-mig, a village in Baltistan .

Sar-re, a village (?)   .

gar-sgo-[la], S`er-go-la, a village and pass in

Sde-pa-gzmi, the Dalai-lama's palace, his government

office   .   .

Sde-[snod]-gsum, the Tripitaka   .
Sdig-btsugs, mythological beings Se-ba-dás, a prince of Ti-nan .

Se-ha-za, a tribe .   .
Se-bdu-la, Shah-id-Ullah, a place betwean

and Karakoram .   .

Sel, or S`e[s], a town, seat of a minister

  •    . 127

. 111 58, 146-7 146 266 218 74 257

  •  91 201-2, 209

  •  146 Eastern

  •  66

  •    191 n.



251, 259-60

102, 109, 113, 122, 126, 143, 224, 227 160 109, 113

Sel-ma-ni-can-bgo, a place in Zans-dkar Sel-thub-then, the Buddha image of gel Seii-ge. See Sin-ge.

Sen-ge-hgram, Sirihahanu, a mythological king

Sen-ge-lde, a king of Zans-dkar

Sen-ge-ldor, a king of Kastawar   .
Sen-ge-rnam-rgyal, a king of Ladakh Sen-ge-rnam-rgyal-gyi-rnam-thar, the

Sen-ge-rnam-rgyal . . Sen-ge-sgan, a hamlet near Sa-bu .

Sen-ge-sgra, Simhanáda, a mythological king

   a pandit .   .

  •  74 164-5 157

106-10, 146, 267, 275 biography of


  •  113

  •  98

.   .   74
82 l 11, 146 . 108 . 180

Seo Don-thams-cad-grub-pa.

Ser = Urdű ser   .

Se-ra, a lamasery   .

Ser-'A-li, a chief of Sim-&a-mkhar-bu