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0106 Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.2
Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.2 / Page 106 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)


[Photo] 484 The Citadel of Hissar.

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doi: 10.20676/00000178
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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but they may have been graves. Our sections appear to indicate the following

sequence of events:

(I) Uplift of spur and formation of Djillan-ooti valley.

  1. Alluviation of wide flood-plain of rush-marshes, loess, and alluvium.

  2. (a) Construction by man of a canal bringing in Zerafshan water with gravels; (b) building of mounds.

  3. Drying up of that canal and shrinkage of Djillan-ooti water, with formation of present channel and accumulation of 3 feet of loess on mounds.

Fig. 484.—The Citadel of Hissar.



(Plate 65.)

To us it is of first importance to know what we can of the physiography of Anau, in whose ancient oases our shafts and excavations sank through no less than Io,000 years of man's stratified débris. And though its geographical position is fully set forth in the beginning of this volume, it remains to sketch a few of its type-peculiarities.

Anau is our best, or most familiar, example of an oasis of type I b (delta-oases of small streams) . This type, it may be remembered, is characteristic of the border of the plains where small silt-laden streams discharge from the mountains and are to best advantage diverted for irrigation. It is a type less exposed to sandstorms and overwhelming dunes than type I a, like those of Merv, and yet more open to invasion by man, who may descend from the mountains or migrate along their base from oasis to oasis. It is, moreover, a type practically fixed in position, as contrasted with the inevitable shifting of type Ia through long-continued change of climate or rearrangement of distributaries. The oasis of Anau has for some io,000 years remained so fixed that cultivation is still carried on over fields that bury its most ancient ruins. The greater oasis of Mery has in Ioo years changed place by 15 miles.