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Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.2 |
704 INDEX.
lakes, I: 243, 28o; in Desert of Lop, II: 69, 224
-23o, 238, 240, 251; used in building, H: 624 ff.; Sadak-köl, I: 462-464; view of, II: 346.
in Desert of Tschertschen, I: 328-33o, 339; Sahara, dunes of, II: 396-397.
effect of in filling up lakes, II: 36o n.; beside Saj, landscape, II: 16; at foot of Kuruk-tagh, II:
Ilek, I: 484-485 ; in Kara-köl, I: 489 ; in Kara- 52.
koschun, II: 149; beside Kuruk-darja, II: 6o; Saj-köl, I: 42-43; view of, I: 41.
power of arresting sand, II: 159; between Saj-tagh, strata of, I: 46; view from, I: Pl. 7, Pl.
Sorun-köl and Tschöl-köl, I: 43-44; beside 8, Pl. 9, Pl. i oa-b; view of, I: 41, 42.
Tarim, I: 87, 114; in Tarim, near beginning of Saksaul, II: 476, 484, 574.
desert, I: Pl. 2r ; in Tarim delta, I: 420-42 i, Salt, in bajirs,. I: 235 ; in Desert of Lop, II: 71;
442, 443; beside Tschertschen-darja, I: 223, 383, lowering temperature in desert, I: 34o-341; in
386-387, 391. Tarim delta, I: 420; at Tusluk-tagh, I: 4o.
Rémusat, Hist. tie la Ville tie Khotan, quoted, Sand, analyses of specimens, II: 455, 462-470;
II: 264, 367. currents of, II: 426; distribution of, in Desert
Reservoir (köl), I: 9. of Tschertschen, I: 354-355; in gullies between
Rhins, J. L. Dutreuil de, II: 308, 311, 567. • jardangs, II: 24o, 243; between Kodaj-darja and
Richthofen, von, I: 268; II: 4, 235, 262 f., 269 f., Kaschgar-darja, I: 69; movements of particles
277 f., 295, 298, 305, 309 f., 312, 366, 373; on in dunes, I: 272-275; origin of in Tarim basin,
aqueous and atmospheric deposits, II: 36o n.- II: 441-461; pressure of in Tarim basin, I:
361 n.; on the Han-hai, II: 307; on Lop-nor 302-303; ripples of, I: 353; waves of, I: 353
problem, II: 259-261, 267-268; on sand in -354; wave-movements of, II: 4i6--439. See
steppes, II: 442-443; on wind-power in deserts, also Dunes, Dune-accumulations and Storm.
II: 454-455. ' Sand-storm, II: 47-48.
Ripple-marks, I:. 353; II: 410-412, 428-435; Sanguja, population of, II: 604.
and melting snow, I: 341; Cornish on, II: 410 Sate-köl, II: x46, 147, 149•
-411; Cholnoky on, II: 411-412; illustra- Satma, house, I: 127, 132-134; at Araltschi I:
tions of, II: 428-429. 396; at Sejt-köl, I: P1. 30.
Ritter, II: 264. Schah-jar, population of, II: 6o5.
Rivers and dunes, I: 411, 444-446. Schap, plant, II: 482, 484, 497.
River-beds, abandoned, names for, I: 14. Schejtler, I: 421, 423.
Roads, Abdal to Tscharklik, I: 224; Ak-su road, Schinalgha, population of, II: 604.
I: 49; the Astin-jol, I: 370, 11: 493; to Astin- Schirge-tschapghan district, I: t4, 216, 450-451;
tagh, II: 216-218 ; to Avat, I: 58; Chotan to channels in, I: 454-455, 457.
Ak-su, I: 8o, 82; to Dung-chan, II: 147, 148; -, branch. See Tokus-tarim.
from Dural, I: 428, 435, 436; in Desert of Schor, at foot of Kuruk-tagh, II: 53; in Desert of
Gobi, II: 475-476; from Jinb pen to Turfan- Lop, II: 242-245, Pl. 29.
karaul, II: 38, 41; to Jing-pen, II: i I; Jing-pen to Schori, Walther on, II: 44o. .
Turfan, II: 37; from Jupoga, I: 8; from Kakde Schor-köl, lake, I: 35-38; its canals, I: 35-37.
I: 115; Kan-joli, I: 431; from Korla, I: t 59 ; Schudang, views of, I: 376.
Lop-nor to Korla, II: x i, 15; to Maral-baschi, Schuei-king-tschu, II: 287.-288.
I: 12; old, through Kuruk-tagh, discovered, II: Secular elevation of Scandinavia, I: 302.
io7, 118; old, through L8u-lan, II: 625, 633 ff., Sedge (jäkän), I: 220, 256, 280, 421, 449; II: 147,
. 638, 646; to Tschimen, I: ioo; from Turfan, 149; seed of, I: 485.
509; Ustün-jol, II: 493. Sejt-köl, I: 229-230, 255, 298, 304; deserted huts
Roborovskij, I: 345, 371, 384, 400; II: 3, 79, 98, at, I: Pl. 3o; loop at, I: r6o; views of, I: Pl. 38,
103 f., 110, 121, 173, 176, 266, 269, 285, 296, 39, 40, 43•
309 f. 391 f., 396; on Desert of Ak-bel-kum, II: Sejt-uj, channel, I: 209.
.389-390; on Desert of Kum-tagh, II: 387; on Serai, at Kan-arik, I: 8.
Kuruk-tagh, II: 100-102; journey of, in Kuruk- Shaw, H: 26o.
tagh, II: 93-96; his map criticised, I: 378, 38o, Sheep, I: 4o, 70, 88, 91, 94, 96, 103, 107, 115, 116,
407; nomenclature of, I: 382-383, 398; old 218; II: 6, 139; breeding of, in East Turkestan,
bed of Tschertschen-darja, I: 31r, 312, 383. II: 605; disease of I: 115-116.
Rock-crystal, II : 78. Shepherds, of East Turkestan, II: 606-607; huts
Rohlfs, Gerhard, II: 436. of, I: 37, Pl. 12; beside the Jarkent-darja, I:
Rolland, on climate and dunes, II: 398; on desert 16, 17, 36, 74; beside Tarim, I: 91, 97.
dunes, II: 436 n.; on dune-distribution, II: 412 Sil, »overflow», II: 14, 14 n.
-413; on dune-movements, II: 402 n.-403 n.; Simlik, population of, II: 604.
406 11.-407 n.; on excavating power of wind, Singer, vtllage, II: 87, 92.
46o n.; on Saharan dunes, II: 396-397. Si yii-schuei-tao-ki, quoted, II: 276-278, 284.
Ruins, near Andere-terem, I: 377; at Jing-pen, II: Small-pox, I: 127, 229, 233.
30-35; beside Tschertschen-darja, I: 388-389. Snow, beside Bostan-toghrak, I: 381; at confluence
See also L8u-lan. of Chotan-darja, I: 87 ; in Desert of Tscher-
Russian General Staff, map of, II: 566, 567. tschen, I:336-346,387,389,392,393; at Kakde,
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