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0254 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.1
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.1 / Page 254 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000246
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238   136. CHEMEINFU

was Samayar (see «Samagar »; cf. Oh, III, 459; Hal, i, 286; Y, i, 23). There had also been about the time of the campaigns against Baraq several revolts of the princes of the Mongols of Persia. One may have been led by the prince whose name appears in V as « Chariziera », and this name is in its turn almost suggestive of the name of I-lwârizmi, Qurumsi, lit. Khwarizmian, which we know to have been borne by several Chinghiz-khanids (cf. TP, 1938, 151). But V, despite its importance, is too corrupt to permit of any safe conclusion when no confirmation is available from other sources. The supposed Christian faith of this grandson (or nephew?, nievo) of the Great Khan provides no sufficient clue for further inquiry.



chemeinsu TAi chemeissu TA3 chememsu, clememsum P~ clemanfu L

clemeifu Fr

clemeinfu F, Ft, FA, FB clememfu L' clemenfu R clemenfu VA




clemensu LT, P

clemetissa VB   k

demenif VL   Ii

glinfu V

This is the form under which 4-j   ) K'ai-p'ing-fu was known in Persian-speaking circles,

as is shown by Ra"sidu-'d-Din's   Kemin-fu (BI, ii, 387, 391, 462, 464, 542). In Waàf

(Ha2, 32; Pers. text, 32), ,l-:f wrongly transcribed « Kendschaku » by HAMMER, is altered fromKeminfu.

False notions about K'ai-p'ing-fu are prevalent. The site of K'ai-p'ing, north of the Luan river, was chosen and walled, and a palace erected there in 1256 (YS, 4, 2 a), as a summer residence for Qubilai, then Heir-Apparent, but it is a mistake to say, as does for instance B', 440, 441, that « Chemeinfu », alias « Ciandu » (see « Ciandu ») was the Mongol capital from 1257 to 1264. The capital remained officially at Qara-qorum until Qubilai's accession to the throne in 1260. The princes elected Qubilai at K'ai-p'ing-fu on May 5, 1260, but the place where the diet was held has no bearing on the site of the capital. The geographical section of YS, 58, 18 a, says that, in 1260, Qubilai changed the capital from Qara-qorum to Y 1141 Ta-hsing, that is to say to Peking. Although I do not find any official mention of a change of capital in the pên-chi and in spite of many errors in that geographical section, I think the indication is substantially correct. My reasons are twofold. One is that from 1260, all mentions of ,Q, Eli ching-shih, « the Capital » (see « Quinsai ») in the pên-chi apply to Peking. The other is that from that date, Qubilai's moves are indicated in relation to Peking : the Imperial car leaves for K'ai-p'ing-fu, and arrives from K'ai-p'ing-fu (YS, 1261, 2nd moon; 1263, 2nd moon; 8th moon). The chroniclers do not think it necessary to mention that it is from Peking that the Emperor leaves and at Peking that he arrives, because it is understood as a matter of course; from 1261, and throughout his reign, Qubilai generally left Peking in the 2nd moon; in the early years of his reign, he returned only towards the beginning of the 9th moon. On the news of Qubilai's