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0267 Southern Tibet : vol.6
Southern Tibet : vol.6 / Page 267 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE
Hedin, Sven Anders. “Southern Tibet Discoveries in Former Times Compared with My Own Researches in 1906-1908.” NII “Digital Silk Road” / Toyo Bunko. doi:10.20676/00000263.

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JULY 1900.


September 3rd, 1906, I found Eurotia ceratoia'es in abundance between Canip III (5382 m.) and Cam" /V (5284 m.) at an altitude of about 5300 m. At 5382 m. not a single specimen was seen.

Tem2r/ k, July i o th 1900.

Steppe region in North Tibet or rather in the open plateau-land between Akatotagh and Chimen-tagh that eastwards gradually goes over into Tsaidam. Not far east of it is the lake Ghas-nor well-known from Chinese maps.

North. lat. 38° II', East. long. 9o° 19', Altitude 2 961 m.

Ji1andar/ k, July i3 th—i9 th I 900.

A valley on the northern side of Chimen-tagh descending northward to Ghasnor. There are springs and comparatively abundant vegetation. North. lat. J7° 47', East. long. 9o° 47', Altitude 3437 m.

Kar yakak-sai, July 2 0 th 1900.

A valley on the northern side of Chimen-tagh directed eastwards to the Tsaidam. Belongs to the Kwen-lun system and the regions between N. E. Tibet and Tsaidam. North. lat. 37° 37', East. long. 9o° 43', Altitude 3984 m.

Yaftkaklik-sai, July 2 2 nd 1900.

A valley on the N. E. side of Chimen-tagh directed to the N. E. and to Tsaidam. Belongs to the Kwen-lun system and the region between N. E. Tibet and Tsaidam. North. lat. 37° 32', East. long. 9o° 56', Altitude 3998 m•

Kayir, July 23 rd 1900.

A valley with a brook between Chimen-tagh and Ara-tagh, N. E. Tibet. North. lat. 37° 2 6', East. long. 90° 511, Altitude 4 18 3 m.

Kalla-alaghan, July 24th 1900.

A mountain range in N. E. Tibet parallel to Ara-tagh and Chimen-tagh.

Here Cain, XIII is situated.

North. lat. 37° 1o', East. long. 90° 43', Altitude 4652 m.

Ara-tagli, July 24 th 1900.

Mountain range in N. E. Tibet parallel to Chiinen-tagh and Kalta-alaghan. A pass in these mountains crossed July 24th, 1900, has an altitude of 4373 m

From the neighbourhood of this pass a Potentilla and an Oxy/rofis were taken. A nameless region with springs east of Kum - köl in N. E. Tibet, had an altitude

of 3902 m. and was passed July 2 7th, 1900.   vulg-a;is was found at this place.

Kum-köl, July 28 th 1900.

Freshwater lake in N. E. Tibet. At its S. E. shore is my Cam, XVI. South of the lake and the camp an extensive field of barren sand dunes is situated.

North. lat. 37° 17', East. long. 9o° To', Altitude 388 2 m.