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0294 Southern Tibet : vol.6
Southern Tibet : vol.6 / Page 294 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE
Hedin, Sven Anders. “Southern Tibet Discoveries in Former Times Compared with My Own Researches in 1906-1908.” NII “Digital Silk Road” / Toyo Bunko. doi:10.20676/00000263.

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in Acta horti Petrop. XXI (1903) 170, XXIV (I 904) 15, (1905) 29, XXVIII (I 907) 25, (I 909) 5o; Keissler, in Ann. naturhist. Hofmus. Wien XXII (1907) 3o; Danguy, in Bull. Mus. d'hist. nat. XIV (I 908) 132, XVII (I 9 I I) 345.

Eastern Pamir, East-shore of Little Kara-kul, 3720 m., I 6th July 1894 (flowering). Northern Tibet, Camp XIV, 4968 m., 28th Aug. i8 9 6. Camp XXI, 4965 m., 7th Sept. 1896 (det. Hemsley and Pearson).

S. W. Tibet, Between Camp CLXXXIX, Dongbo, 4598 m., and Camp CXC, Tuksum, 4596 m., valley of Upper Tsangpo, Ist July 1907 (flowering).

Geogr. area: Tian-shan, Himalaya.

var. rubicundum O. Pauls. nov. var., calycibus brevibus ( II mm. longis, dum 15-19 mm. longitudo normalis), ± rubro-tinctis, foliis cordatis, in petiolum vix decurrentibus.

Northern Tibet, Camp XVI, upper Kum-köl, 3882 m., 28th July 1900 (flowering); Eastern Tibet, Camp LXVI 4863 m., 2 6th Aug. 190 I (w. young fruits).

Dracocephalum stamineum Karelin et Kirilow, in Bull. nat. Moscou (I 842) 42 3 ; Ledeb. fl. ros. III 0846-50 384; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. IV (i 8 8 5) 666; Fedtschenko, in Acta horti Petrop. XXI (1903) 12 o, XXVIII (1 909 ) 50.

Eastern Pamir, Mus-tagh-ata, Yam-bulak-bashi, 4439 m., 14th Aug. 1894 (flowering). Geogr. area: Tian-shan, Himalaya, Songaria.


Fam. Borraginace e

(determ. by OVE PAULSEN).

Arnebia guttata Bunge (I 84o); Ledeb. fl. ross. III (1846-5 I) 13 9; O. Fedtschenko, in Acta h. Petrop. XXI (1903) 151, XXIV (1904) 14, XXVIII (I 907) 21, (1909) 46; Danguy, in Bull. Mus. d'hist. nat. XIV (1908) i3 2, XVII (I 9 I I) 342.

Eastern Pamir, Little Kara-kul, on sandy soil, 3720 m., 6 th July 1894 (flowering). Geogr. area : Tian-shan, Altai, Songaria.

Eritrichium pectinatum (Pallas) D. C., Prodr. X (1846) 127; Ledeb. fi. ros. III (1847-49) 152; Kryloff, Fl. Altaica IV (1907) 896; E. ciliatum Rudolph, in Mém. ac. St. Pétersb. I ( 1809) 35 2.

S. W. Tibet, At the road between Camp CCIII (Darasumkar, 4931 m), and Camp CCIV (Bukgyagorap, 4870 m.), 16th July 1907 (flowering). Geogr. area: Siberia from Ural to Mongolia, northern China, Altai.

Microula sikkimensis (Clarke) Hemsley, in Hook. Ic. pl. 4. ser. 6 (1899) plate 2 5 6 2 ; Hemsley, in Journ. Linn. Soc. 1902, 19 2 ; Anchusa sikkimensis Clarke, in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. IV (1885) 168; Tretocarya sikkimensis Oliver, in Hook. Ic. pl. 4 ser. 5 (18 96) plate 2 2 5 5 ; Danguy, in Bull. Mus. d'hist. nat. XVII (I 9 I I) 342.