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0316 Southern Tibet : vol.6
Southern Tibet : vol.6 / Page 316 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE
Hedin, Sven Anders. “Southern Tibet Discoveries in Former Times Compared with My Own Researches in 1906-1908.” NII “Digital Silk Road” / Toyo Bunko. doi:10.20676/00000263.

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3. var. pumila Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. II (1 879) 348; Th. Wolf, 1. c. 59.

Northern Tibel, Camp XXVI, 4946 m., 2 9th June 1901 with a few withered flowers); Inner Tibet, Camp LXIX, 4889 m., 29th Aug. 1901 (flowering over); S. W. Tibet, Height above the source of Tsangpo, northern foot of Himalaya, 5015 m.,

13th July 1907 (in full flower).

Geogr. area (of P. fruticosa) : Europe in a few scattered places, Northern and Central Asia from Caucasus and Armenia to China and Japan, Eastern N. America, Western N.

America, Rocky Mountains.

Potentilla bifurca L., Sp. pl. ed. 1 (I 7 5 3) 497; Hemsley and Pearson, in Peterm. Mitteil. Ergänzungsbd. 28 (I 900) 374; Th. Wolf, Monogr. Gatt. Potent. (1 908) 62; Hemsley, in Journ. Linn. Soc. 35 (190 2) 175; Stewart, in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club (I 9 16) 635; Fedtschenko, in Acta Horti Petrop. XXI (I 903) 3 26 ; XXIV ( 1905) 3 29; XXVIII (1 907) I 09, (I 909) 482 (cum var. JWoorcroflii); (?) P. Moorcroftii Wall. Catal. (I 829) no. 1014; Keissler, in Ann. Naturh. Hofmuseum (1907) 25.

N. E. Tibet, Sarik-kol, Kwen-lun, 3469 m., 5th Aug. 1896.

Geogr. area: Caucasus, Taurus, eastwards to Inner Asia, Tibet, Himalaya and Mongolia.

Potentilla multrida L., Sp. pl. ed. 1 (17 5 3) 496; Th. Wolf, Monogr. Potent. (I 908) 154; Hemsley, in Journ. Linn. Soc. 35 (1902) 175; Keissler, in Ann. Naturh. Hofmuseum (1 907) 25 (var. minor Ledeb.); Stewart, in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club (1916) 635; Fedtschenko, in Acta Horti Petrop. XXI (I 903) 3 26; XXIV (I 905) 329; XXVIII

(1907) 109, (1909) 482.

East Turkestan, Chigelik-ui, Tarim, west of Lop-nor, 819 m., 15th June i 905 (flowering begun).

Northern Tibet, Mandarlik, 3437 m., medio July 1900 (flowering begun); Camp XI, Yapkaklik, Chimen-tagh, 3998, 2 2 th July 1900 (flow. begun).

The material belongs according to Dr. TH. WOLF to var. ornilhopoda (Tausch) Th. Wolf, 1. c. i56. »Die häufigste, aber auch formenreichste Varietät der P. mult,da, in ganz Sibirien, Central-Asien und Ost-Asien«.

Geogr. area: Arctic Russia and Fennoscandia (very rare), Spitzbergen, northern and temperate Asia to China and Korea, High-Asia, Transcaspia.

(?) Potentilla multiida L. X soongorica Bunge; Th. Wolf, Monogr. Gatt. Pot. (1908) '60.

Eastern Tibet, near Camp XLIV, 5127 m., 18th Aug. 1901 (fruiting).

I had identified the present plant with P. soongorica Bge. (with some doubt), but Dr. TH. WOLF considers it a hybrid between P. soongorica and P. multifida. He writes: »Höchst wahrscheinlich P. multa, fida X soongorica, oder, da die Pflanze der P. nzultifida nähersteht, vielleicht noch besser: P. super-mu/lift X soongorica. Reine P. soong-o7-ica Bge. jedenfalls nicht. — Eine sehr ähnliche P. multi, fïda X soongorica wurde schon a. 1879 von Regel, im Gebirge nördlich von Kuldscha gesammelt, eine andere a. 1905 von Saposchnikov in der nördlichen Mongolei.«