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0331 Southern Tibet : vol.6
Southern Tibet : vol.6 / Page 331 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE
Hedin, Sven Anders. “Southern Tibet Discoveries in Former Times Compared with My Own Researches in 1906-1908.” NII “Digital Silk Road” / Toyo Bunko. doi:10.20676/00000263.

OCR Text





N. E. Tibet, Harato, Northern slope of Tsaidam's south-chain, 3321 m., 5th Oct. 1896.

Geogr. area: Alpine Europe, Norway (one locality), Central Asia (not Himalaya), China,

North America.

Clematis orientales L., Sp. pl. ed. I (i 7 5 3) 765; Danguy, in Bull. d'hist. nat. (I 908) 130; Fedtschenko, in Acta Horti Petrop. XXVIII (i 909) 459.

var. acutifolia Hook. f. et Thoms., Fl. Ind. (1855) 9; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. I (1875) 5

Stewart, in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club (I 9 16) 63 2 ; Fedtschenko, in Acta Horti Petrop. XXI (I 903) 244; C. tibetana O. Kuntze, in Verh. bot. Ver. Brandenburg XXV (i 884) i72;

C. orientalis, var. tangutica Maxim., Fl. tangut. I (I 8 8 9) 3 ; Hemsley, in Journ. Linn. Soc. 35 (i 902) I 61 ; Keissler, in Ann. Naturh. Hofmuseum, Wien (i 907) 2 I ; C. tangutica Korshinsky, in Bull. Acad. Imp. St. Pétersbourg IX (I 8 9 8) 399; Fedtschenko, in Acta Horti Petrop. XXI (I 903) 243; XXIV (I 905) 317; XXVIII (19o9) 458.

Eastern Pamir, Mus-tagh-ata, the eastern shore of Little Kara-kul, 3720 m., 16 th July 1894 (flowering).

East-Turkestan, Bash-kurgan, three days' journey S. E. of Lop-nor, 2629 m., 5th July 1900 (flowering and with young fruits).

Northern Tibet, Mandarlik, 3437 m., medio July 1900 (flowering).

The very variable species-aggregate C. orientales is, in High Asia, represented by a series of forms, the taller of which are climbing and inhabit the regions with a comparatively rich vegetation, while in the more desolate and high-alpine places a dwarf, not-climbing form is present; this latter is C. libelana O. Kuntze (1. c.), which I consider only a high-alpine modification of the more richly developed var. acufi-

folia Hook. f. et Thorns.

Geogr. area: Asia (Japan and Arctic regions excepted), Africa south of the desert;

var. acutifolia: Himalaya, Tibet, Pamir, Mongolia.

Farn. Caryophyllaceæ

(determ. by C. H. OSTENFELD).

Arenaria festucoldes Benth., in Royle, Illustr. Bot. Himal. (I 8 3 9) 81, tab. 2 I fig. 3; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. I (I 875) 236; Hemsley, in Journ. Linn. Soc. 35 (1902) 170.

Inner Tibet, the shore of Naktsong-tso, Camp LXXVIII, 4636 m., I I th Sept. I 90 i (flowering).

The only tuft present (see Pl. VIII, Fig. I) is very dense and the peduncles are very short; thus it agrees with var. imbricata Edgew. and Hook. f. (in FI. Brit. Ind. I, 237; non A. imbricata M. Bieb. ; an A. kumaonensis Maxim., Fl. Tangut. I [ 18 8 9] 86?).

Geogr. area: Tibet and alpine Himalaya.