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0339 Southern Tibet : vol.6
Southern Tibet : vol.6 / Page 339 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE
Hedin, Sven Anders. “Southern Tibet Discoveries in Former Times Compared with My Own Researches in 1906-1908.” NII “Digital Silk Road” / Toyo Bunko. doi:10.20676/00000263.

OCR Text





Eastern Pamir, Little Kara-kul, small lagoons at the eastern shore, 3 7 2 o m., 15th July 1894 (flowering).

Geogr. area: Most of Europe, Asia Minor to Persia, Pamir, Himalaya, Siberia.

Carex pseudofcetida Kükenth., in Mitteil. bot. Verein Thür. N. F. XV (i 900) 4 (nomen solum) et in Bot. Tids., Bd. 28 (Kobenhavn, 1907) 225, fig. 1; Caricoideæ, in Das Pflanzenreich (I 909) 115; C. curaica Fedtschenko, in Acta I-Iorti Petrop. XXI (1903) 429, XXIV (1905) 346, XXVIII (1907) 123, (I 909) 510; non Kunth.

Eastern Pamir, Little Kara-kul, in small lagoons at the eastern shore, 3720 I 5th July 1894 (flowering).

Geogr. area: Alpine Turkestan, Pamir, Kashmir, alpine Persia, East-Siberia.

Carex stenophylla Wahlenb., in Vet. Akad. Handl. Stockholm XXIV (1803) 142; Kükenthal, Caricoideæe, in Das Pflanzenreich (I 909) 120; Hemsley, in Journ. Linn. Soc. 35 (1902) 2 02 ; Fedtschenko, in Acta Horti Petrop. XXI (I 903) 429 , XXIV (1905) 346, XXVIII (1909) 510.

S. W. Tibet, on the road from Camp CCIII (Dara-sumkor, 4 8 31 m.) to Camp CCIV (Bak-gyäyorap, 4870 m.), 16th July 1907; Inner or eastern Tibet, near Camp XLIV, 5127 m,, 15th Aug. I 90 I (flowering hardly begun).

The specimens are small and the culms low and curved, they agree rather well with var. duriuscula (C. A. Mey.) Trautv. from Eastern Siberia and Northern China (f. nana Franch. Pl. David.).

Geogr. area: Eastern Europe, temperate Asia from Asia Minor to Amur and China,

Rocky Mountains region of North America.

Carex Moorcroftii Falconer, apud Boott, in Trans. Linn. Soc. XX (18 46) 140; Hemsley, in Journ. Linn. Soc. 35 (i 902) 20 I ; Stewart, in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club (i 916) 628; C. melanantha C. A. Mey., var. Moorcroftii Kükenthal, Caricoideæ, in Das Pflanzenreich (1909) 391; ? C. sabulosa Hemsley and Pearson, in Peterm. Mitteil., Ergänzungsbd. 28 (1900) 375.

Northern Tibet, Mandarlik, 3437 m., medio July 1900 (flowering).

In spite of the low culms (9—I o cm.) I find the specimens (see Pl. II, Fig. 5) agreeing well with C. Moorcroftii, which is well distinguished from C. melanantha C. A. Mey. (syn. C. Regelii C. B. Clarke, in O. Fedtschenko, Fl. du Pamir, Acta Horti Petrop. XXI [1903] 430, XXIV [1905] 346) by its longer beak of the utricle and by the broadly membranous margins of the scales. Probably the record by HEMSLEY and PEARSON (1. c.) of C. sabulosa Turcz. from Northern Tibet, between Camp XXII and Camp XXIII, 4857 m., 27th Aug. 1896, is to be referred to the same species.

Geogr. area : Central Asiatic Mountains, especially Tibet, alpine Himalaya, Kara-

korum, Mongolia, Tachuen-lu, Baical area.