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0282 Southern Tibet : vol.6
Southern Tibet : vol.6 / Page 282 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE
Hedin, Sven Anders. “Southern Tibet Discoveries in Former Times Compared with My Own Researches in 1906-1908.” NII “Digital Silk Road” / Toyo Bunko. doi:10.20676/00000263.

OCR Text





Eastern Pamir, between the two glaciers Kamper-kishlak and Yambulak-bashi on the western slope of Mus-tagh-ata, 4480 m., 4th Aug. 1894 (flow.).

Geogr. area: N. W. Tibet (Zugmayer, acc. to Keissler), Pamir, Karakash Mountains (Dr. Cayley, in Herb. Kew).

Saussurea alpina (L.) D. C., in Ann. Mus. Paris XVI (i 8 i o) 198; Hemsley and Pearson, in Peterm. Mitteil. Ergänzungsbd. 28 (I 900) 394; Hemsley, in Journ. Linn. Soc. 35 (1902) 185; Fedtschenko, in Acta Horti Petrop. XXI (1903) 358 (var. Kuschakewiczi C. \\ in kl.).

Northern Tibet, Camp I, valley of Kara-muran, Kwen-lun, 4075 m., 7th Aug. 1896 (recorded by HEMSLEY and PEARSON).

It seems to me rather doubtful if the plant recorded by HEMSLEY and PEARSON (1. c.) as »S. alfina, var.((, really is S. alpiaza.

Geogr. area: N. temp . and arctic regions; Siberia, Persia; Pamir (var. Kuschakewiczi).


The Aster-forms of the group Alpigeni are very difficult to distinguish, especially those growing in the alpine parts of Asia. They need a thorough revision based upon the original types described by HOOKER fil., CLARKE, BUNGE and DE CANDOLLE.

BENTHAM (Genera pl. II, 272) was, no doubt, quite correct when he rejected DE CANDOLLE'S genus Heterochwia, as the distinction between forms with double pappus and those with single pappus is not of generic value.

CLARKE (Comp. Ind., 1876, pp. 42-45) makes the first attempt to clear up the Himalayan and Tibetan species of the Allig eni. He admits three species with single pappus : A. alj5ina L., A. himalaicus Clarke and A. tricefthalus Clarke, and three with double pappus: A. heterochceta Benth. (=Helerochceta asteroides D. C.), A. elegans Hook. f. et Thorns., and A. diflostefthioides Benth. (=Heteroclueta d. D. C).

In HOOKER fil. (Fl. Brit. Ind. III, 1882, pp. 250-25 i) we find A. himalaicus Clarke and A. tricefhalus Clarke, while HOOKER has seen no true A. alj5inus from Himalaya ; he adds a new species A. Stracheyi Hook. f. with single pappus. Among those with double pappus HOOKER keeps A. helerochcela and A. diilostefhioides; he adds a new species A. tibeticus Hook. f., but rejects A. elegans Hook. f. et Thorns., saying: »I fail to recognise CLARKE'S A. elegans H. f. & T., described by him at Calcutta as from Sikkim. I find no species having biseriate pappus together with very silky achenes except A. di~lostefthioides«.

None of these two authors does mention that BUNGE (I8 3 5) has described an A. flaccidus from the Alatau Mountains, which is »proxime affinis A. alpino L.«.

Later HEMSLEY (in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXX 1895, 1 13) has a new species A. Boweri which is »A. flaccid() forma minima similis((. In Hook. Icon. pi. (pi. 2495)