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0284 Southern Tibet : vol.6
Southern Tibet : vol.6 / Page 284 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE
Hedin, Sven Anders. “Southern Tibet Discoveries in Former Times Compared with My Own Researches in 1906-1908.” NII “Digital Silk Road” / Toyo Bunko. doi:10.20676/00000263.

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The species with biseriate pappus are still more confused, but after a careful examination of rich material, mostly from Kew, and of the specimens in Hedin's collection , I have settled with the following arrangement admitting that it is only provisional and arbitrary.

A. di)5losteflzioides (D. C.) Benth. (apud Clarke). Monocephalous tall and robust ; involucral leaves lanceolate, leafy, villose. Achenes large, densely adpressedpilose (silky). Flower heads larger than in the other species. Outer series of pappusrays short, paleaceous, white; inner series much longer, reddish (at least in dried material). Himalaya.

Aster f taccidus Bunge, in Mém. Say. Étrang. Pétersb. II (I 83 5) 599, et Verzeichn. Altai-Geb. ges. Pfl. St. Petersb. (1836) 102 ; A. Izeterockeela Benth. ex Clarke, Comp. ind. (18 7 6) 44; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. III (18 8 2) 250 pro max. parte;(?) Heleroclzeeta azsteroides De Cand., Prodr. V (18 3 6) 28 2 .

Rhizome short or longer and creeping, adventitious roots thin. Pubescent to woolly; stem erect, with few or more stem-leaves; radical leaves petiolate, oblanceolate to obovate, obtuse or acute, glabrous or hairy; stem-leaves smaller linear or oblong; heads solitary. Uppermost part of the stem and the involucral leaves usually =_ woolly. Involucral leaves linear or linear-oblong, acute, long, often somewhat leafy, and often dark-coloured towards the tips. Achenes sparingly hairy of ordinary, somewhat appressed hairs, or nearly glabrous. Pappus double, white or (at least in old herbarium specimens) somewhat reddish, outer series very short, subulate-paleaceous.'

This species seems to have a rather wide range in the alpine parts of the central region of Asia. In HEDIN'S collection it is present from:

Eastern Pamir, the old shore-moraine of the Korumde-glacier, Mus-tagh-ata, 4367 m.; 27th July 1894 (flow.).

Northern Tibet, Ara-tagh, 4652 m., 24th July 1900 (flow.).

Geosç r. area: Alpine Himalaya, Tibet, Pamir, Thian-Shan, Alatau, Altai.

As a variety of this species I consider a plant which was present in Hedin's collection from several localities. It differs from the main species only in the achenes which have a -- rich covering of glandular club-shaped hairs besides sparse ordinary hairs. I have named it:

var. f ructu glandulosus Ostf. nov. var. Differt a typo acheniis pilis glanduliferis clavatis praeter pilos ordinarios instructis.

I K. v. KEISSLER (in Ann. Naturhist. Hofmus., Wien, Bd. XXII, 1907, 26) has described a var. glandulosus Keissl. of A. flaccidus from Mangzaka, Tibet (5370 m.). The description runs » foliis glabris, margine dense ciliatis, scapo imprimis supra et involucro dense nigri canti-glanduloso«. As nothing is said about the achenes I cannot refer it to its proper place and do not know if it is a variety of A. flaccidus or of A. Hedinii described below.