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0344 Southern Tibet : vol.6
Southern Tibet : vol.6 / Page 344 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE
Hedin, Sven Anders. “Southern Tibet Discoveries in Former Times Compared with My Own Researches in 1906-1908.” NII “Digital Silk Road” / Toyo Bunko. doi:10.20676/00000263.

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Potamogeton tubulatus Hagstr. nov. sp.

Caulis tereo-subcompressus basi ramosus; anatomia: Ep. + Fasc. subep. debiliss. v. 00 -I- 0-end. + cc circ. Folia uniformia pusilloidea linearia, 35 X 0,75 mm., trinervia, sat valde mucronata, basi fere rotundata, biloc. Nervus medius lacunatus, laterales obscuri ab ipso apice folii sat distanter confluentes; vene transversales perpauce obscure. Ligule connate, apice rotundate, 5-7 mm. longe, in intercarinali parte 5-7-nervate. Turiones its P. j5anormitani simillimi, sed sine foliis patentibus. Fructus non visus.

Pamir, stagnant water and spring near Yeshil-kul, 3800 m., 2 nd Sept. 1894 (sterile).

This new species is very like P. pusillus, but it differs in the following respects: the sheaths, the turiones, the tips of the leaf-blades with more distinct mucro, the rounded blad-bases and the anastomosing lateral nerves. From P. panorritanus it is more difficult to distinguish, but the sheaths are few-nerved, the turiones without patent leaves, the tips of the leaves more rounded, the leaves lacunose; the main-nerves of the leaves are of the same shape as in P. pusillus, and the sclerenkyma is more faintly developed, besides it has the habit of P. fusillus. (Note by the Rev. 0. HAGSTRÖM.)

Potamogeton ftliformis Pers., Synops. I (I 805) 152; Ascherson und Graebner, 1. c., 126; Hagström, in Kgl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 55 (I 9 16) 14.

Eastern Pamir, Little Kara-kul, 3720 m., 17th July 1894 (flowering).

var. lmipes Hagstr., in Bot. Notis. (1905) 142; in Kgl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 55 (1916) 17.

Tibet, without locality.

var. ttbetanus Hagstr., 1. c. (I 905) 142; (19 I 6) i 9.

Eastern Pamir, Tjakker-agil, freshwater lake, 3 319 m., 2 2nd July 1895 (sterile); spring at Bulun-kul, 3405 m., 23rd July 18 95 (sterile) ; lower Basik-kul, 37 27 m., 2 3 rd July 1894 (flowering) ; Basik-kul, 37 2 7 m., 2 I st July 18 94 (sterile).

Northern Tibet, Upper Kum-köl, freshwater lake (Camp XVI), 388 2 m., 28 th July 1900. Geogr. area (of the species) : Cold and temperate regions of the northern hemisphere.

Potamogeton rostratus Hagstr., in Kgl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 55 (1916) 2 7. Northern Tibet, Temirlik, Camp VII, 2961 m., I o th July 1900 (flowering).

Geogr. area: Mongolia.

Potamogeton recurtiatus Hagstr., in Kgl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 55 (I 916) 37; P. filiformis Hagstr., in Bot. Notis. (1905) 141; not Pers.

S. E. Tibet, small somewhat brackish lake near Camp XIV, 4968 m., 28th Aug. 1896 (sterile); Eastern Tibet, Camp LXVI, in a lake, 2 6th Aug. 1901; lake, 4674 tn., 12 th Sept. 1901; Camp LXXVIII and Camp LXXIX, Naktsong-tso, a little freshwater