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0322 Southern Tibet : vol.6
Southern Tibet : vol.6 / Page 322 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE
Hedin, Sven Anders. “Southern Tibet Discoveries in Former Times Compared with My Own Researches in 1906-1908.” NII “Digital Silk Road” / Toyo Bunko. doi:10.20676/00000263.

OCR Text




Linn. Soc. 35 (I 902) 177; Hemsley and Pearson, in Peterm. Mitt. Ergänzungsbd. 28

(I 900) 374; Keissler, in Ann. Naturhist. Hofmus. Wien XXII (1907) 25.

N. E. Tibet, Camp XVIII, 5078 m., 2 nd Sept. 1896 (det. Hemsley and Pearson) ;

S. W. Tibet, Camp CCXI, Tokchen, 4654 m., 24th July 1907 (w. young fruit).

There is but one specimen, and a poor one. Hence the identification is not sure. Geogr. area: Dahuria, Songaria, Mongolia, Himalaya, Altai, Ural, Arctic Russia.

Sedum rose= (L.) Scop. ; Sedum Rhodiola D. C., in Hist. des pl. grasses

(I 8 3 7) 143 ; Ledeb., fl. Ross. II (i8 4 4) 178; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. II (i8 7 9) 417;

Hemsley, in Journ. Linn. Soc. 35 (1902) 177; Fedtschenko, in Acta Horti Petrop. XXI

(1903) 102, XXIV (1905) 18, XXVIII (1907) 16, XXVIII (1909) 32; Danguy, in

Bull. Mus. d'hist. nat. XVII (19 I I) 332.

Eastern Pamir, Kamper-kishlak , Mus-tagh-ata , ab. 4 500 m. , 29th July 1894


Geogr. ara: Mountains in Asia, Europe, and America, arctic countries.

Sedum stamineum O. Pauls. nov. sp. (Pl. VII, Fig. 3 and Text Figs. 5 and 6).

Perennis glabra, caudex verticalis brevis crassus squamiferus caulibus mortuis

persistentibus munitus. Caules floriferi erecti v. obliqui in spec. 4-6 cm. alti, superne

foliati. Folia sparsa ovato-linearia non calcarata, inferiora

7 mm. longa basi lata oblique rotundata + distincte

trinervia, superiora basi angustiori. Inflorescentia multi-

flora (in una 17 flores) umbelliformis, pedicellis nullis v.   Fig. 6.

, middle leaves and

brevibus, semper flore brevioribus. Sepala 5,3 mm. longa


triangulari-linearia inferne brevissime coalita. Petala 5, of Sedum

5 mm. longa, oblonga v. ovato-lanceolata obtusa, pur


pureo adspersa, ut videtur pallida. Stamina 1 o, epipetala petalis

inferne breviter coalita, omnia petala breviter superantia. Squame

   Fig. 5. A flower of   hypogyne longitudine latiores , distincte crenate. Carpella 5,

   Sedum stamineum•   stylibus brevibus recurvis.

In habit this species is rather like S. dumulosum Franchet (Pl. Davidiane in

Nouv. archives du Muséum, 2. sér., Mémoires, T. V, Pl. 16, fig. 3), but it differs in the

form of the leaves, in the inflorescence, the length of the stamens etc. from this as

well as from the many species described in the latter years.

S. W. Tibet, Hill above the source of Tsangpo, 5015 m., 13th July 1907



Fam. Cruciferm

(determ. by C. H. OSTENFELD).

Sisymbrrum humile C. A. Mey. in Ledeb., Fl. Altaic. III (I 83 I) 137 ; Icon. fl.

Ross., tab. 147 ; Hemsley, in Journ. Linn. Soc. 35 (1902) 166; Danguy, in Bull. d'hist.