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0306 Southern Tibet : vol.6
Southern Tibet : vol.6 / Page 306 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE
Hedin, Sven Anders. “Southern Tibet Discoveries in Former Times Compared with My Own Researches in 1906-1908.” NII “Digital Silk Road” / Toyo Bunko. doi:10.20676/00000263.

OCR Text





N. E. Tibet, Camp XXXI, at the shore of a lake, 4616 m., 2 I st Sept. 1896. »Ein unvollkommenes blütenloses Exemplar« (Hemsley and Pearson, 1. c).

Geogr. area : Siberia, Kamtchatka.

Haltmodenaron halodendron (L.) Voss; C. Schneider, Handb. Laubholzk. II (I 9 I 2) 93 ; H. arg enteum (Lam.) Fisch. ex D. C., Prodr. II (1 8 2 5) 269; Ledeb., Fl.

Ross. I (1842) 572.

East-Turkestan, Lower Tarim, c. 83o m., 1900 (flow.); Ak-satma, forest district at Middle Tarim, 1105 m., I oth Oct. 1899 (ster.).

Geogr. area: Caucasus, Persia, Inner Asia to Altai and Turkestan.

Sphærophysa salsula (Pall.) D. C., Prodr. II (I 8 2 5) 2 7 I ; Ledeb., Fl. Ross. I

(1842) 574.

East-Turkestan, Milka, forest district at Middle Tarim, i 108 m., 9th Oct. 1899

(sterile, and doubtful); Bash-karaunelik, Lower Tarim, 826 m., 6th June 1900 (flow.). Northern Tibet, Temirlik, Camp VII, 2 961 m., ca. I oth July 1900 (flow. and fruit.). Geogr. area: S. E. Europe, Inner Asia to Altai and Turkestan.

Caragana pygmxa (L.) D. C., Prodr. II (i8 2 5) 268.

VV. Tibet, Camp CXXXIV, 4587 m., 2 3 rd Nov. 1901 (without flower).

The present plant is a, Pallasiana Komarov (Gen. Carag. monogr., in Acta

Horti Petrop. XXIX [i 909] 2 4 I ).

Geogr. area : Mongolia, Transbaicalia, Altai, E. Siberia (acc. to KOMAROV).

Caragana versIcolor Benth., in Royle, Illustr. Bot. Himal. (1839) 198, tab. 34, fig. 2; Komarov, 1. c. 2 55 ; C. ßygnaæa Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. II (18 7 6) 116 ; (?) Hemsley, in Journ. Linn. Soc. 35 (i 902) 171; Keissler, in Ann. kk. naturh. Hofmus. Wien (I 900) 23; Stewart, in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 43 (I 916) 636.

S. W. Tibet, Between Camp CXCIV, Gyangchu-kamar , 4661 m., and Camp CXCV, Chärok, 4656 m., Upper 'Fsangpo valley, 6th July 1907 (flow.).

Geogr. area: W. Himalaya (Tikri-Garhwal, Spiti and Ladak) and Tibet (Gnari-Khorsum), acc. to KOMAROV.

Astragalus tribulifolius Benth., in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India II (1876) 120; Hemsley and Pearson, in Peterm. Mitteil. Ergänzungsbd. 28 (i 900) 373 ; Hemsley, in Journ. Linn. Soc. 35 (1902) 173.

N. E. Tibet, Camp XXXI, 4616 m., 2 I st Sept. 1896; Camp XVII, 5073 m., I st Sept. 1896.

»Ein sehr unvollkommenes Exemplar« (Hemsley and Pearson, 1. c.). Geogr. area: Tibet.

Astragalus cf. chlorostachys Lindl., in Transact. Hort. Soc. VII (i 830) 249; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India II (i8 7 6) 128.