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0318 Southern Tibet : vol.6
Southern Tibet : vol.6 / Page 318 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE
Hedin, Sven Anders. “Southern Tibet Discoveries in Former Times Compared with My Own Researches in 1906-1908.” NII “Digital Silk Road” / Toyo Bunko. doi:10.20676/00000263.

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from the other locality given above from S. W. Tibet. Also Dr. WOLF'S remark that he has seen »ähnliche Zwischenformen« from two other places in High-Asia points in the same direction. I consider the present plant as a variety of P. hololeuca, or perhaps — when better material was at my disposal — as a separate species allied to it.

Geogr. area (of P. hololeuca) : Alpine Persia, Central-Asia ( Tian-chan , Ferghana, Pamir, etc.).

Potentilla argyrophylla Wall., Cat. pl. Ind. no. 1020 (1829); Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. II (I 8 7 9) 357; Th. Wolf, Monogr. Gatt. Pot. (1908) 228 ; Stewart, in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club (1916) 636.

S. W. Tibet, Height above the source of Tsangpo, northern foot of Himalaya, 5015 m., 1 3 th July 1907 (flowering).

The plants present belong to the high-alpine variety (var. leucochroa [Lindl.1 Hook. f.) of the species.

Geogr. area: Temperate and alpine Himalaya, Tibet.

Potentilla nivea L., Sp. pl. ed. 1 (i7 5 3) 499; Th. Wolf, Monogr. Gatt. Potent. (I 908) 233 ; Hemsley, in Journ. Linn. Soc. 35 (1902) i75; Fedtschenko, in Acta Horti Petrop. XXI (1903) 328.

Northern Tibet, Mandarlik, 3437 m., medio July 1900 (flowering).

Dr. TH. WOLF refers the plant to var. vulg agis Schlecht. et Cham., f. alpina (Turcz.) Th. Wolf.

Geogr. area: Arctic and subarctic Europe, European Alps; Arctic, subarctic and alpine

Asia; Arctic America, Greenland, Rocky Mountains.

Potentilla dealbata Bunge, in Ledeb. Fl. Altaic. II (i 830) 25o; Th. Wolf, Monogr. Gatt. Pot. (1908) 254 ; Fedtschenko, in Acta Horti Petrop. XXI (1903) 328; XXVIII (1907) 110.

Eastern Pamir, grassy places at the shore of Little Kara-kul, 3720 m., medio July 1894 (flowering).

Geogr. area: W. Siberia, Altai, Turkestan, N. W. Mongolia, N. E. Tibet, W. China

Potentilla supina L., Sp. pl. ed. I (i7 5 3) 497; Th. Wolf, Monogr. Gatt. Potent. (1908) 389.

East Turkestan, Ak-satma, woody country in Middle Tarim, 1105 m., I oth Oct. 1899 (young sterile shoots only); Lower Tarim, c. 870 m., spring 1900 (young plants only). Geogr. area: widely distributed in temperate and warmer countries of Europe, Asia

and N. America; on the southern hemisphere only introduced.

Potentilla anserina L., Sp. pl. ed. I (17 5 3) 495; Th. Wolf, Monogr. Gatt. Potent. (1908) 669 ; Hemsley, in Journ. Linn. Soc. 35 (1902) 174; Danguy, in Bull. Mus. d'hist. nat. (1908) 130; Stewart, in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club (1916) 635; Fedtschenko, in Acta Horti Petrop. XXI (1903) 327; XXVIII (1907) I I O, (1909) 483.