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0260 Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3
インドおよび高地アジアへの科学調査隊派遣の成果 : vol.3
Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3 / 260 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000041
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




N a s i r ab ad, in Bengal, Lat. 24°, Long. 90°     oL)fdz., Arab. Pers.

"Nasir's town." Nasir, defender, helper, a personal name.

The same name in Rajvara, Lat. 26°, Long. 74°, in Sindh, Lat. 27°, Long. 68°, &c. Anal. Nasir-pur, in Sindh, Lat. 25°, Long. 68°

Nathdvara, in Rajvara, Lat. 24°, Long. 73°    i)ho .gil.3 Hind.

"The Lord's temple." Nath, lord, a surname of pious men and of several gods; it is also often used in personal names.

Anal. Nath-pur, in Bengal, Lat. 26°, Long. 87°; Nath-ram-pall (Rama's village), in Maissûr, Lat. 14°, Long. 77°.

Nauag .rh, in Bengal, Lat. 23°, Long. 84°    so3.S fy Hind.

"New fort."

Anal. Naua-gati, in Bândelkhand, Lat. 25°, Long. 79°; Nau-g6ng, in Assam, Lat. 26°, Long. 93°; Nana-k6t, in the Dékhan, Lat. 24°, Long. 69°; Naua-nâgar, in Gujrat, Lat. 22°, Long. 70°; Naua-pizra, in Khandésh, Lat. 21, Long. 74°, &c.

N a u b a t p n r, in Bengal, Lat. 25°, Long. 85°    ,   J; Hind.

"Drum-beating-town." Naubat is the beating of drums at the gate of a great man, and naubat-khana is the large room over the outer gate of a palace, used for martial music.

N a u s h é r a, in Sindh, Lat. 26°, Long. 68°    Imo, ' Hind. Pers.

"New town." Nau, new; shéra is another form of shahâr, town. This name is very frequent in the Pânjab, ex. gr. Lat. 27°, Long. 68°; Lat. 28°, Long. 70°; Lat. 34°, Long. 71°; Lat. 34°, Long. 73°.

Anal. Nau-para, in Orissa, Lat. 18°, Long. 84°.

N a v ab gA n j, in Hindostan, Lat. 25°, Long. 81°    

v15..*) Hind.

"Governor's market." Navab, in English commonly nabob, means a governor, a great and rich man.

The same name in Bengal, Lat. 25°, Long. 87°, in Audh, Lat. 27°, Long. 81°, &c.

Navapatti    Tam.

"Nine villages." Buchanan's Maissûr, Vol. II., p. 192.

Nejibabad    01   Arab. Pers.

"Ne j i b's town." N e j i b, noble, hero, a personal naine.

Nepal, a country in the Himalaya    

"Abôde of Népas (Nevcirs?)." It is derived by Lassen, I pa, the name of a tribe (perhaps the modern Nevars, still Al a , for &I ay a, dwelling, abode. According to Hamilton's



nd. Alt., Vol. I., p. 58, from
residing in Nepal), and from
Nepal, p. 180, the natives