国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3 | |
インドおよび高地アジアへの科学調査隊派遣の成果 : vol.3 |
Anal. Mohtmmadi, in Audh, Lat. 27°, Long. 80°; Mohammadabad, in Bändelkhand, Lat. 25°, Long. 79°, in Audh, Lat. 27°, Long. 80°, &c.; Mohammad Ali-pûr (see An), in Hindostan, Lat. 29°, Long. 78°; Mohammad-pûr, in Bengal, Lat. 23°, Long. 89°.
M ô han, in Audh, Lat. 26°, Long. 80° 0,50,03 Hind.
"M o h a n's (town)." M 6 h a n, sweetheart, a surname of Krishna.
Anal. Mohan-g ,nj, in Gujr ,t, Lat. 22°, Long. 73°; Mo han- gArh, in Rajvara, Lat. 27°, Long. 71°; Mohan-ke-Särai, in Hindostan, Lat. 25°, Long. 82°; Mohan-k6 t, in Sindh, Lat. 25°, Long. 67°, in the Pänjab, Lat. 32°, Long. 75°; Mohan-pûr, in Bändelkhand, Lat. 24°, Long. 77°, in Hindostan, Lat. 27°, Long. 78°, Lat. 29°, Long. 78°; Mohan-para, in Rajvara, Lat. 26°, Long. 76°.
Mohan G h At a ka p a h ar, a mountain ridge near Simla, generally marked in the maps as Sivalik range. Many Chaukis on the southern border of the Sivalik range are also called Mohan.
The name Sivalik seems not to be generally known to the natives, but is now in use with Europeans; perhaps it might be referred to Siva.
M o in in a b a d, in the Dékhan, Lat. 18°, Long. 76° vht 0.45.0s Arab. Pers.
"Momin's town." M6min, faithful, a personal name.
M o n g h r, in Bahar, Lat. 25°, Long. 86°~0 Hind.
"The beans mountain." An old Sanskrit name very much altered in the course of time, probably formerly Mudgagiri. The name mûdga would allow of the interpretation, Phaseolus Mingo. Lassen, Ind. Alt., Vol. I., p. 143. Frequently written by the Europeans Monghyr.
v v
M ci r d o, in Rûpchu, Lat. 33°, Long. 78° mo-rdo. Tib.
"The oracle's stones." Mo, oracle; rdo, stone.
This is a halting place near the ridge of a pass, the slopes of which are covered with stones of a dark and a light colour. On their being thrown up into the air, a black stone falling down to the earth first is a bad omen.
There is even a legend that Alexander the Great, whose memory is preserved and alluded in Tibet and in Turkistan more frequently than might be expected, here consulted the stone-oracle, in order to decide whether or not to proceed to Laclak; but received an answer in the negative, as my Lama companion added most earnestly. Alexander's name in Tibet is Gyalpo Kishar.
MozäffarabAd, in Kashmir, Lat. 34°, Long. 73° vl~i | Arab. Pers. |
"Mozitffar's town." Mozâ,ffar, conqueror, an Arabic personal name, otherwise written mus ,fir, signifying traveller, but the latter spelling is not that generally used.
Anal. Mozäffär-nâgar, in Hindostan, Lat. 29°, Long. 77°; Mozäffär-g:irh, in the Pänjab, Lat. 30°, Long. 71°.
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