国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3 | |
インドおよび高地アジアへの科学調査隊派遣の成果 : vol.3 |
SUL—SUBI : ROUTES 214-216.
Route No. 214.
From SULTÂNPUR (Kiilu) to PULING (Kaki).
A secondary route, impassable for horses. Maps: Indian Atlas, sheet 47 (second edition).
SUltdnpur, 31° 57'.8; 77° 5'.8; 3,945 ft., on the right bank of the Bias river, the capital of MA — Ascend the Serbérri valley — Shâlong (5,798 ft.).
Kdrling—Sma,ling—p Garudnk.
Southern foot of the Sérri ka Jhöt pass —Cross the Sérri ka Jhöt pass (12,077 ft.).
A Chu dra—pDôdru—Milla. Pûling, 32° 5'; 76° 51'.
Route No. 215.
From A SUMDO (Kämaon) to NÎTI (Gärhval).
A secondary route, passable for horses. A diffi-
cult route, never used by caravans. Maps: Strachey's Kämaon and Gärin•al.
A Stimd o, 30° 45'; 79° 53', at the confluence of the Girthi and Loâka rivers — Follow the Girthi river for two stages — Pass , p Madda T6li and p Shib Udeâr (a cave).
A Girthi, two stages from p Sûmdo; a now deserted village (shrubs and grass in the environs)— p Dud Gârhi (shrubs)—Confluence of the Yong and Girthi rivers—A cave—plum pcini (fuel and grass)—p Lira Dhar—p Shiru ,s — p T6bing Guâr.
1Vlal d ri (10,290 ft.), near the left bank of the Dauli river—Cross the Ginti river by a singabridge called Burâs—Kurkûti, on the right bank of the Dâuli river—Cross the Dauli river by a sanga-bridge called Radi—Bampa—Gumsali.
N2 ti, 30° 48'; 79° 34'; 11,464 ft., on the left bank of the Dauli river (a very easy stage).
from A SUMGAL to A AKSÂE CHIN, see No. 3.
Route No. 216.
From A SUMGAL (Turkistan) to ELCHI (Turkistan).
A secondary route, passable for horses, but only with difficulty.
L\ Si m g al, 36° 8'; 78° 5'}; 13,215 ft., on tip right bank of the Karakthsh river — Continuous and steep ascent up a glacier—Cross the Elchi pass (17,379 ft.)—Descend the Élchi pass glacier (it is much crevassed and extremely steep, especially towards its termination).
Encamp at the lower end of the É'lchi pass glacier (14,810 ft.). No fuel, but scanty grass. A very long and difficult march—Descend down the Bnshia valley (the slopes are extremely steep)— L Oitcish (12,220 ft.), no fuel, but plenty of grass—Cross the Biishia river (very difficult; quite unfordable at times).
B' shin, 36° 26'; 78° 19':c; 9,310 ft., tents and caves inhabited by nomadic Turks. Here supplies can be obtained in surprisingly great quantities. (From the foot of the glacier to Bnshia is a long and difficult march.)
Two marches then from B nshia to Mai. Several villages are passed; the marches are described as long, but further detail it was impossible for us to obtain, and frequent inquiries would have exposed us to the danger of having our disguise detected.
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