国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3 | |
インドおよび高地アジアへの科学調査隊派遣の成果 : vol.3 |
122 SÛM—SÛN : ROUTES 217-220.
Route No. 217.
From L SÛMGAL (Turkistan) to A SÛGET
A secondary route, passable for horses. Road follows continuously the Karakâsh valley.
0 Stimgal, 36° 8'; 78° 5':r; 13,215 ft., on the right bank of the Karakâsh river (fuel and grass abundant).
L Gulbagashén (12,252 ft.), famous Yâshem (Nephrite) quarries.
0 Billékchi.
A Sig et, 36° 10' • 4 ; 77° 50'.10; 1.2,960 ft., 2 miles distant from the left bank of the Karakâsh river.
see No. 40.
Route No. 218.
From SÛNGNAM (Känäur) to DÂBLING (Käuäur).
A principal route, passable for horses. Maps: Gerard's -Koonawur.
Sitngnam, 31° 46'; 78° 27'; 9,020 ft.—Continue along the left side of the Dârbung valley — Telingkéu.
She its u — Leave the Dârbung valley and continue along the right side of the Sitlej valley.
Cross the Sitlej river by a sânga-bridge called Nämptu.
Dd bling, 31° 45'; 78° 37'; 9,311 ft., on the left bank of the SAtlej river (an easy stage).
Route No. 219.
From SIJNGNAM (Känâur) to DANKHAR, or
A principal route, passable for horses, but only with difficulty.
Maps: Gerard's Koonawur.—Indian Atlas, sheets 47 (second edition) and 65.
Siingnam, 31° 46'; 78° 27'; 9,020 ft.—Cross a river—Rushkatông— Continue along the Rush- katông valley—Kopa (9,831 ft.).
Encamp at the south-eastern foot of the Tomokéu pass— Cross the Tomokéu pass (13,547 ft.).
0 Stimdo (12,915 ft.); a rather long marchPamachân (13,643 ft.)— Cross the Mânirang pass (18,612 ft.).
0 Sôpona (15,273 ft.); a very long march—Pass a small lake.
Manes—Cross the Todi chu river by a bridge—Cross three other rivers.
Dtinkhar, or Drdnkhar, 32' 6'; 78° 13'; 12,774 ft., near the right bank of the Todi chu river.
Route No. 220.
From SÛNGNAbi (Känâur) to SHÂLKAR (Spiti).
A secondary route, passable for horses.
Literature: Gerard's Koonawur, pp. 295-6. — Hutton, in Journ. As. Soc. Beng., Vol. VIII., part II., pp. 936-50. —Thomson's Western Himalaya, pp. 96-121.—Tables of Routes and Stages, p. 316.
Maps: Gerard's Koonawur.—Indian Atlas, sheet 47 (second edition).
Sûngnam, 31° 46'; 78° 27'; 9,020 ft. — Cross the Hângarang pass (14,837 ft.).
Hdngo (11,468 ft.), 10 miles from Sizngnam.
Li, or Leo, on the right bank of the Piti river, 7 miles from Hângo (an easy march) — Cross
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