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0264 Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3
インドおよび高地アジアへの科学調査隊派遣の成果 : vol.3
Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3 / 264 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000041
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE






P a n g p o c h é, in Nûbra, Lat. 34°, Long. 78° . . . .   T.J' fT3 spang-po-chhe. Tib.

"The great grassy place." Spang-po, the grassy place; chhe, great.


P a n g r i n g p o, in Rizpehu, Lat. 33°, Long. 78°   spang-ring-po. Tib.

"The long meadow." Spang, meadow; ring-po, long. A grassy valley in the Pangk6ng district.

Anal. Panggyé (spang-rgyas), the broad valley; a name met with in Rnpchu and also in the Pangkông district.

Namaringpo, and Namagya are used in the same sense; Nama, signifying a peculiar kind of grassy place, is a name very often used for halting-places all over Tibet.

Panigông, in Assam, Lat. 26°, Long. 92°    Ls.:U Hind.   Assam.

"TVater-village." Gong is the Assam form for the Hindostani gâü.

P än j âb, a province    of tû Pers.

"The five waters, or rivers." Pâchanad is the Bengali name for the Pänjab.

P â r a, in Gujrat, Lat. 22°, Long..74°    1, Hind.

"Villa g e, or w a r cl." The same name in Bändelkhand, Lat. 25°, Long. 79°. Parangi-malâi, in the Karnatik, Lat. 13°, Long. 80°    ßx3,.:, Tam.

"Mountain o f the Europeans, or Feringhis." This is the native name of St. Thomas' Mount, near Madras.

Anal. Parangi-péttai, village of the Europeans, in the Karnatik, Lat. 11°, Long. 79°. Parlog, see Tsürlog.

Pärtabgârh, Lat. 24°, Long. 74°     ,soß uL'~y Pers.   Hind.

"Castle of splendour." The same name in Berar, Lat. 20°, Long. 80'; in Hindostan, Lat. 25°, Long. 81°.

Anal. Pärta-pur, in Bengal, Lat. 22°, Long. 87°; in Hindostan, Lat. 27°, Long. 78°, Lat. 28°, Long. 77°.

P a r v, t i, a river in Malva   T~{j   Sanskr.

Parvati is a name of the goddess Dûrga (derived from parvâta, mountain). Anal. Parväti-pnram, in Orissa, Lat. 18°, Long. 83.

Pathankôt, in the Pänjab, Lat. 32°, Long. 75°     "T 04`i Hind.

"Afghan's castle."

Pätirâm, in Bengal, Lat. 25°, Long. 88°     i.l)   Hind.

"The Lord Rama."