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0227 Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3
インドおよび高地アジアへの科学調査隊派遣の成果 : vol.3
Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia : vol.3 / 227 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000041
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE





G n a r i K h or sum, a province in the central part of Tibet.


74.;CI.` ~LCI Y iZ Y ZJIv7,4 mnga'-ris-skor-gsum Tib.

"The three dependent provinces." 1Iigna'-ris, dependent, skor, circle, province, gsum, three.

This interpretation alone agrees with the native spelling, as we invariably got it written. The name dependency was referred to its political relation to China. The pronunciation we generally found to be Gnari in accordance with our usual mode of writing it.

Anal. G sari is also found in the village name G n a ri Lu, in Balti, Lat. 35°, Long. 76°.

Go alp Ara, in Lower Assam, Lat. 26°, Long. 90°   iU JlrS Hind..

"Gdval's, or cowherd's village." GO-vâla is also used as a Hindu personal name. Goal might be thought too to be a provincial modification of gayal, the Hindostani name for Bos gavaeus, an animal peculiar to lower Assam; but in Assam itself this animal is only known under the name of MIthan.

Anal. G-o-gaû, cow village, in Hindostan, Lat. 25°, Long. 82°; Gohatti, cow market, in Assam, Lat. 26°, Long. 91°.

G o d â var i , a river in Malva and in the Dékhan, Lat. 16°, Long. 74° IT   Sanskr.

"Giving cattle." Another derivation is: from go, water; da, to give; âvri, to cover. Wils. Sanskr. Diet.

Golaghat, in Assam, Lat. 260, Long. 93°   

"Granary-pass, or ford."

GO d v gum, a, a country to the west of Bengal

?j5S Hind.

lA5 cL,x Hind.

"Country of the Gods." God is the name of an aboriginal tribe. Its name is referred by Wilson to the Sanskrit gud, to enclose. Wils. Sanskr. Diet.

G o p Al g â n j , in Bengal, Lat. 22°, Long. 89° ....~Î~ ti   o' 3i   J(.   Hind.

"G o p a l a's, or Krishna's market." G o p a l a, a king, or a cowherd, properly protecting the earth; it is a surname of Krishna.

Anal. Gopalgärh, in Hindostan, Lat. 27°, Long. 77°; Gopalpur, in Bändelkhand, Lat. 25°, Long. 77°; in Hindostan, Lat. 26°, Long. 83°.

Gorakhpur, in Audh, Lat. 26°, Long. 83°    )y   Hind.

"G o r d k h's town." From the Sanskr. G o r ak s h a, properly protector of cattle, a surname of Krishna.

In the As. Res., Vol. XVII., p. 188, it is referred by Wilson to Gorakhnath (n a t h, lord), the founder of a sect having a temple here. Compare also Hodgson, in Journ As. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVIII., p. 534, note; and on Buddhist symbol, Royal As. Soc., Vol. XVIII., p. 217.

The same name in Hindostan, Lat. 27°, Long. 79°.
