国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
thick, which is backed with canvas, which again is backed
with clay bound together with straw. Surface flat.
7u "
X r .
Kha. i. 0034, 0085. Stucco relief frs. of two similar jewel ornaments. 0034 is part of centre and border. 0035 is centre with trace of border. Red clay mixed with fibre. Dimensions complete 21" x 2".
Kha. i. 0036. Fr. of turned wooden baluster (about 1 of circumference). A grooved ball-moulding above ; then single wedge-moulding, below which a flat ring moulding with double groove and ridge round middle. Fr. of tenon above. H. 5", orig. diam. c. 31".
Kha. i. 0036. a. Fresco fr. Upper portion of L. ear of Bodhisattva (?) and part of head (blue) above. On R., part of nimbus, enriched with green, white, and blue leaves on red ground. 5" x 21".
Kha. i.. 0037. Fr. of pottery, red clay, covered with thin bright green glaze. I1" x â".
Kha. i. 0038. Fr. of painted panel. Ground yellow. Flower (?) design, white with dark red outline, and part of drapery (?) in red and pink. 5" X t ".
Kha. i. 0038. a. Fresco fr. To L., L. side and hand and part of vesica of standing fig. of Buddha. Red robe; vesica has horizontal red and white, and white and green, bands alternating, separated by brown lines ; and red and black border. To R., border of vesica of larger fig., maroon. Background : above, green and blue with white floral spots ; below, red, with thin white horizontal line between upper and lower parts. 81" x 5".
Kha. i. 0039. Fresco fr. Blue tassel (?) on maroon ground, with white dots arranged in loops. On one side a piece of quilted orn. resembling that on Kha. i. E. 0051, of which it prob. forms part. 5" x 4".
Kha. i. 0040. Fresco fr. Part of head of Buddha looking L. Flesh white, outlined red. Eyebrows and eyes black. Nose, ears, and mouth missing. 2*" x Ii".
Kha. i. 0041. Fresco fr. L. eye and ear of head of Buddha. Eye black, flesh white, outline red. I." X 2*".
Kha. ii. 0042. Fresco fr. Part of Padmasana and feet of fig. standing on R. 2"x Ii".
Kha. i.. 0043. a, b. Two frs. of same fresco. (a) Part of Bodhisattva. Jewellery shown in red outline with blue and green spots, and gilding on raised portions. (b) Shows three fingers of R. hand and part of necklets, with traces of gold. 3*"X 2a"; 41"x 21".
Kha. i. 0044. Fresco fr. Floral (?) pattern outlined in red and white. 1" x r".
Kha. i. 0045. Fresco fr. of Buddha fig., exactly resembling Kha. i. 0046. Much broken. 2 " x 21". Pl. XI.
Kha. i. 0046. Fresco fr. much broken. Fig. of standing Buddha in dull red robe. R. hand in pose of protection. L. hand grasping robe. Web between thumb and forefinger
of R. hand clearly expressed. Sacred mark in palm. Head 1 to L. p. and very slightly down. Eyes drooping. Ears long. Tilaka. Horizontal folds in neck. Upper part of head and all below knees missing. Nimbus dark grey or faded green. Vesica light green, bordered dull red. Contour lines red. Eyebrows black. Edges of robe expressed in white lines. Execution rapid but good. Surface much scaled. 6" x 3". Pl. XI.
Kha. i. 0048. Fresco fr. To L. maroon border of large vesica. To R. green Padmâsana, and feet of standing fig. in maroon robe with white border-design. Background red. 5" X 51`"•
Kha. i. 0049. Fresco fr. Above, part of green lotus throne. Below, two rows of Brahmi chars., black on red ground. See Appendix F. 2" X 2".
Kha. i. oo5o. a, b. Two frs. of same fresco. Portions of a vesica R. side, with border brown and red, inside which are slanting bands, green, white, and blue. Background red. 61" x 51" ; 5" x 5".
Kha. i. oo5i. Fresco fr. Uncertain. Part of red, blue, white, and green striped orn. on black, brown, and red
ground. White border. Bad condition. 6" x 4".
Kha. 1. 0052. Fresco fr. Drawing in buff outlined red. Ground white. Below, two Pôthis (?) tied by three green bands. Above, and to each side of these, detached radiating leaves. 41" X 3r".
Kha. i.. 0053. Fresco fr. On crimson ground, part of nirrtbus (green-grey) and hair orn. with lotus of Bodhisattva. Above and to R. of fig., part of green tree, with brown stems. 3" X 31".
Kha. i. 0054. Fresco fr. showing roughly sketched head of Buddha fig. Outline in red, flesh yellow. Hair, eyebrows, upper eyelid, and eye, black. Haloes roughly washed in. Whole evidently tentative sketch. Condition rather abraded. 91"x 9". Pl. XI.
Kha. i. 0055. Fresco fr. Head of Buddha, / to R. p. Yellow flesh, outlined red. Black vesica on green background. Very good drawing. 2" X 2E".
Kha. i. 0056. Fresco fr. Uncertain design, blue, brown, red, and green. 31" X 2".
Kha. i. 0058. Fresco fr. Part of Bodhisattva. Below, part of a maroon robe. Outlined orns. hanging on bare flesh above. Flesh white. 31" x 3â".
Kha. ï. 0059. Fresco fr. showing portion of head of Bodhisattva, / to L. p., slightly down ; eyes long and full, downcast with dreamy expression. Nose and mouth small. Eyebrows thin, long, highly arched at outer ends, nearly meeting over nose. Tilaka. Ear (broken away) prob. elongated. Hair long and black in knot behind mukuta, which bears Dhyani-Buddha orn., and is enriched with pearls. Drawing of Dhyani-Buddha, unusually:conventional. No lotus seat, but a roughly ornamental treatment with sq. jewel as centre. Halo dark grey, green, or black
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