国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
N. xxm ii 3 Oblong tablet, roughly trimmed, pierced at end for filing. No trace of writing left. Fairly hard, but bleached and split. 17-i" x ia" X r.
N. xxm. ii. 4. Rectang. strip of wood, perhaps part of box. Obv. along one edge a rabbet extends to Imo" from each end. Part of iron pin shows in rabbet and reappears on Rev. Rev. very faint traces of Khar. 6ig" x rte" x A".
N. xxxu. ii. 5. Wedge cov.-tablet, with seal cay.
(rid"x Ii") empty. Obv. to R. of cay. one 1. Khar., to L. one l., faint. Rev. four Il. Khar. clear. Wood hard and well preserved. r3i" X 2".
N. xxIII. ii. 6. Rectang. under-tablet. Obv. eight 11. Khar., clear. Rev. blank. Corners chipped ; wood hard. 6g"x2rXg".
N. xxin ii. 7. Rectang. double-tablet, complete. Opened. Cov.-tablet : Obv. traces of Khar. to R. and L, of empty seal cay. (i" x 1"). Rev. five 11. Khar. indistinct. Under-tablet: Obv. six 11. Khar. Rev. blank. Hard and well preserved. 8.8" x 3" X j" to i".
N. xxm. ii. 8. Wedge cov.-tablet. Obv. 2" from sq. end, seal cay. (xi" x 4") with clay seal (damaged) bearing same classical intaglio as N. mu. ii. Io. By sq. end one I. Khar. Point side of seal one 1. Khar. By hole usual
character. Rev. one 1. Khar. 14 X 2h" X I. to ".
N. xxxu. ii. g. Oblong tablet. Obv. six 11. Khar., very clear. Rev. blank. 6" x 2 " x ig".
N. xxiii. ii. to. Oblong tablet. Obv. seven Il. Khar., faded but clear. Rev. two and a half 11. Khar., faint. Edges cut down after writing. 4" X 2" xis".
N. xxra. ii. n. Oblong tablet. Two holes near one end. Obv. three 11. Khar., faded. Rev. blank. Bottom edge split off. 6" X Ir x é".
N. xxxxx. ii. 12. Oblong tablet. Obv. four 11. Khar., faint. Rev. traces of one 1. Khar. Wood hard. x3." X 2"X ".
N. xxiix. ii. 13. Wedge under-tablet. Obv. four 11. Khar., faint. Rev. two 11. Khar. near sq. end, very faint. 13 " x 2*" x *".
N. xxxu. it. 14. Wedge cov.-tablet, with seal cay. (r." x rig") retaining strings and traces of clay. Obv. to R. of cay. one short I. Khar., L. of cay. traces of Khar. Rev. two 11. Khar. Writing of Obv. very faint and encrusted; Rev. clearer. Hard and well preserved. x 4r x 2~" X A" to 1e".
N. xxIII. ii. 15. Wedge under-tablet ; sides almost parallel till i" from point ; wood slightly warped. Obv. three 11. sprawling Khar., for most part clear. Rev. traces of Khar. chars. at sq. end. Good condition. 15" x 28" X ".
N. xxIli. ii. oox. Wooden comb, round-topped, like L.A. VIII. oor. H. 3"; length of teeth i"; width zf"; thickness ig"; seven teeth to
N. xxui. ii. 002. Wooden seal-case, unfinished. Rectangular block ; at one end three saw-grooves for string, and hole pierced. Receptacle for clay begun but not finished. 4r x ri" X Ii".
N. xxixx. ii. 003. Piece of lacquered wood, cut roughly circular. One side flat, the other side slightly convex. Convex side lacquered brown with traces of a thin red line near edge. Rabbet round flat side. Prob. part of box lid. Diam. 2f' to zi" ; thickness " to F.
N. xxiu. ii. 004. Rounded stick, slightly tapering. Deep notch all round at broad end. Hair-pin ? g "X A' to i". Pl. XXVIII.
N. xxxii. ii. 005. Oval piece of horn, trough-shaped and curved with carefully rounded ends. Perhaps inkstand. Cf. N. XLI. oo6. 38" x $" x I".
N. xxilx. iii. I. Wedge under-tablet. Obv. three 11. Khar. Rev. blank. Good condition. Tog" X 2" x".
N. xxlii. iii. 2. Rectang. under-tablet. Obv. eleven Il. Khar. Rev. blank. Writing faint and wood slightly decayed. 7r x 38" Xi".
N. N.
N. xxiv. 002. Wooden stick bent U-shape with notched ends. Prob. a ` dead-eye ' or primitive pulley used instead of a rope loop in hauling to avoid friction. Cf. N. xxix. ii. oor. b. H. 2$"; diam. r to i8"; width 2". Pl. XXVIII.
N. xxxv. oo3. Wooden peg. Bark on thick part, but trimmed to a point. 4" x i".
N. xxxv. 005. Wooden stick with bark on. Rough groove cut all round through bark .8" and 3" from respective ends.
9â" X 3~ff"•
N. xxxv. 006. Strip of wood, flat, narrow. At each end a short point projects from either corner, leaving a wide notch. Perhaps loom-stick for separating warp threads. 23A" X g" X A".
xxiv. 007. Piece of bronze wire, bent double. Broken each end. Gr. M. i"; diam.
xxxv. oo8. Lozenge-shaped bronze plate. One corner broken off. Rivet in other corner. Hole (3" diam.) in middle. -r to break X r" x A".
xxiv. oog. Bronze rivet with round head. .15g" x g"; head i" x is ".
xxxv. ooxo. Circular bronze bead, flat on both sides. A" diam. ; TV thick.
. xxxv. oor1. Small piece of sheet bronze. 4" x r x
1 " ra •
xxxv. 0012. Sixteen stone and glass beads ; viz. one cornelian, faceted, spheroid; eight blue glass, one
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