国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
upper arm, knee, and thigh of a seated fig., with richly ornamented armlet and a jewelled rope. Dhdti yellow. Padmâsana pink.
Between vesica and vertical band is represented an architectural shaft, with band ornaments at intervals and an elaborate capital filling spandrel above. Ornamental details interesting. The bands of ornament are reproductions of metal ferrules or housings used in wooden buildings of the Chinese (cf. terrace buildings in large painted silk banners from Ch.). The capital is a clumsy modification of beautiful Byzantine and Indian examples expressive of a vase of flowers and leaves. Above vesica, a group of three horizontal bands forms a border which is broken by some scroll ornament perhaps proceeding from top of vesica. . Above the bands, leaves and berries are freely painted in grey-greens and white on black ground, the whole growth taking a circular form, leaving a spandrel in lower corner suitably filled by blossoms.
The narrow panels to L. p. of dividing band contain standing Buddha figs. on lotuses. The upper one has a vesica decorated with flames in green and grey outlined alternately with black and red and arranged en échelon. The fig. has black hair with the Usnisa, long ears, Tilaka, and mark in palm of hand ; under-robe, dark brown ; upper, white and transparent. Both hands are upraised.
The lower fig. has black hair, bound with a garland and with pendent streamer. The peculiar robe is loose and straight from the R. armpit. About knee level it has a band of ornament composed of rosettes. Below this a double flounce, the upper green and lower pink. This arrangement is only at the back. In front is white robe from L. shoulder which spreads out and ends in a straight edge at ankles, but appears to have shaped edging piece, appliqué. The vesica is rich brown decorated with petals, buds, etc. Nimbus green with one horn of white crescent below. The fig. stands on a pink and green lotus. The garland of fruit on head, the petal and sepal character of flounces, the decorative band of rosettes, and the vesica of leaves suggest some deity representing fertility, or the earth. (Cf. fig. prob. of similar significance in painted banner Ch. 0018, to L. p.)
Below, top of head with rope-like diadem, floating white streamers, long ears, green halo, vesica decorated with overlapping triangular sepals (green) and petals (pink). Execution rough. Condition : fairly good ; much defaced on L. p. 30" x I z". PI. XI.
Kha. i,. E. 0048. Fresco fr., showing parts of three figs. painted on white or cream ground. In the centre an emaciated grey-haired and bearded fig. wearing a scanty green loin-cloth advances with bent back and knees to L. p., holding in R. hand a cord the other end of which is attached, in some way not visible, to a second, nimbate, fig. to R. p. wearing brown stole and jewelled necklet. The knee and portion of R. leg and Asana of third fig. only visible. This fig. seems to be seated. Centre fig. is cleverly drawn and exhibits extraordinarily accurate observation. The external forms in regions of R. scapula and
ilia are especially good. The face seems to be deliberately simian, with flattened nose, prominent jaws, strongly marked cleft in upper lip, and high prominent cheek bones. Other two figs. are probably of same type. Flesh in all dirty pink with red outlines. Execution rapid and precise. 4*" X 4". Pl. xI.
Kha. i. E. 0049. Fresco fr. in several pieces (now joined), showing L. hand palm outwards, fingers down and curling up to support a flat object with projecting vertical point, which may be the neck of a flask resembling that in Kha. i. E. 0047. Various bands of dull yellow represent a stole passing over R. shoulder and behind R. arm, part of which appears on fr. By position of L. hand in relation to body, the fig. would be about to R. Rev. of stole dull grey-green. Flesh pale pink. All outlines red. Work rough. 5â" x 5". Pl. xi (upside down).
Kha. i. E. 0050. Fresco fr., in several pieces, of large composition. In centre, a nearly life-size fig. of Buddha, wearing rich red robe lined pale green, with four-petalled shaded pink lotus pattern to be seen at turnover crossing breast. Over shoulders a buff mantle, of which a fold is grasped in upturned L. hand, raised to breast level. Ears elongated and pierced with long slit. Mouth small and full-lipped. Neck in folds delicately drawn. Flesh contours red. A curious convention in drawing the features is very marked (visible also in Kha. i. 0059). Line of nose is continued to form one side of cleft in upper lip and sweeps round, forming a second and redundant line of foreshortened side of upper lip. On breast (or, perhaps, an emanation from hand) a faintly sketched symmetrical ornament terminating upwards in vapoury indecision. Slight shading in red-brown on neck, at corners of mouth, ear, wing of nose, and hand. Lips red-brown, outlined with grey. Halo yellow with border bands of dark grey and red, white edged.
Vesica, same colours, but field decorated with shaded pink wedge-shape rays, radiating from fig. A broad outer band round vesica is white, with pointed elliptical panels, bordered by bands which interlace end with end, in ` true lovers ' knots ; the spandrel intervals filled with pink' buds. In each panel, on green ground, is seated Buddha fig. in red robe on red lotus and with red flame-shaped halo.Q Red-grey borders outside this broad band. On ground outside, a broad horizontal band of imbricated peacocks' feathers in four rows, coloured, respectively (downwards),; dark green, dark red, light green, shaded red. 'Eyes ' black with white outline. Feathering black. Below, a plain buff band, under which a red band with green floral ornament outlined black. All work rapidly executed. Upper and lower parts missing. I' xo" x 2' 4". Pl. XII.
Kha. i. E. oosx. Fresco fr., of decorative detail. Part of elaborate foliate wreath or canopy. Leaves are roughly trilobate and pointed, pink, sometimes shaded, outlined white ; broad black mid-rib, heavy black outline, the outer edge of which is not trilobate. Behind each leaf a petal-shaped background of green or blue outlined with white and
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