国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
M. Dog. Four-sided tapering fr. of iron, broken at ends and much corroded ; arrow-head (?). Picked up by Jasvant Singh, 3o. i. 07. Length I ", gr. width r.
M. oww0. Piece of bronze plate folded over twice. Found 2. ii. 07. 'Tx rh", thickness (fourfold) c. s".
M. Doll. Curved fr. of bronze, perhaps from bowl of spoon. Found 2. ii. 07. Length ii", gr. width A".
M. 0012. Flat oblong piece of white soapstone, rounded one end, cut sq. the other. Found 2. ii. 07. Length i", width 1" to A".
M. 0013. a-b. Two beads. (a) Rough flattened spheroid
of red cornelian. Diam. . (b) Spheroid of glass paste,
millefiori, green, yellow, and red. Diam.
M. 0017. Fr. of horn comb ; teeth and part of handle missing. Length 21", h. Ir". Pl. xxxvI.
M. oo18. Strip of hard wood with hole pierced near one end. Use doubtful ; thicker than ordinary writing slip. 9iß"x x .
M. ooig. Bag of red silk, finely corded weave, embroidered in dark and light blue, dark and light green, white, chocolate, pink, buff, and yellow, in close rows of chain-stitch. The design is apparently one of conventional plumage with eyes like those of peacock's feathers, and covers the background almost entirely. The whole has been cut from a large piece of embroidery, and has been folded double and stitched up the sides to make the bag ; the top is not hemmed. There are in the embroidery about 3o stitches to the inch. 4" X 3". Pl. CX.
M. 1. 0056. Fr. of pottery, hand-made, of very ill-levigated clay fired very hard on an open hearth ; surface red-brown, black in section. On outer surface, incised before firing, head of warrior wearing helmet, apparently of scale armour, with plume (broken) and cheek-piece. From mouth downwards broken away. Good free drawing of Chinese character ; shows that manufacture of rude hand-made pottery was continued in periods of advanced civilization. 2g" x Ir. Pl. LI.
M. 1. 0057. Wheat grains.
M. 1. 0058. Fr. of thin bronze plate, cracked and full of holes, perhaps from armour. Found outside fort by Jasvant Singh. Gr. M. 2r", thickness c.
DLL 0059. Iron arrow-head, flat, of elongated-heartshape ; rudimentary rib ; part of tang remains ; condition bad. Found outside fort by Jasvant Singh. Length of
whole 2r", of head 2", gr. width Ir. PI. LI.
M. 1. 0060. Wheat grains.
M. 1. 0063. Fr. of large pottery vessel (see above, pp. 348 sq.), hand-made, of red clay fairly well levigated and very evenly fired. Shows part of straight band of five to six incised lines running round jar, with comb-drawn festoon bands of five lines above and below. Incision shallow and careless. Over it in one place is fig. deeply incised before firing, prob. a Tibetan char. and possibly a measure of capacity, but not identified. Gr. length gr. width 5r".
M. 1. 0064-0065. Two wooden writing slips, blank, charred at end. 5e" and 5"x
M. 1. oo66. Wooden label (longitudinal half), blank. 3? X~".
M. 1. 0067. Flat piece of wood ; one end cut to blunt point, near which is small hole; the other broken; 1" from broken end are remains of notch. Handle of key. 3 XIh"X to T.
M. 1. oo68. Leather armour scale, oblong ; for type see Ancient Khotan, i. pp. xvi, 374, 41I. Lacquered inside red, and outside red with thin top layer of black. For lateral lacing, by one long side, hole at each end in extreme corner ; by the other, two pairs of holes nearer middle. For vertical lacing, one pair of holes parallel to, and r from, one end. No thongs remain. Condition good. 31. (bent) X 2".
M. z. 006g. Five leather armour scales, detached : for general type see M. r. oo68, and Ancient Khotan, i. pp. xvi, 374, 41 I. Thong-holes generally as in M. I. ix. 002, but those for vertical lacing are irregular, Lacquered behind black over red (but one scale dark red with pattern resembling M. I. xxiv. 0040); in front, very thin black or dark red, over red, over black, leaving surface dark blackish crimson. Orn. with red line along one overlapping side and top, and with two (-shaped figs. one above the other towards one long side. Beyond these, three scales show red ellipse with black centre. Om. is scraped out after application of all the coats of lacquer, so that those beneath the surface are shown in concentric rings down to bottom of orn. Largest scale 31"x 3k". PI. L.
M. 1. 0070. Fr. of leather armour scale ; lacquered behind red ; in front black over red, leaving red lines parallel to end ; two lacing holes in corner. Gr. M. 3r X I r.
M. 1. 0071. Fr. of leather armour scale, like M. i. ix. 002 ; lacquer mostly gone. 21"x 21 "
M. 1. 0072. Fr. of bronze plate with two bronze rivets; sheathing for sq. stick. C. I," x Y" (bent).
M. 1. oo73. Piece of bronze plate, sq. with hole in each corner, and oblong slit cut out parallel to one edge ; eye for hasp, e.g. on belt. I " x W.
M. 1. 0074-0075. Two wooden stays for well-bucket (?), lower corners of notch deepened and cut outwards to hold string more securely. See Kha. ix. oo t 5 ; M. Tagh. b. ooz. Length 4g" and 3r. 0074, Pl. LI.
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