国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
26o THE N1YA
SITE [Chap. VI
sq. end seal cay. (r-IV x -g"). One 1. Khar. by sq. end ; usual char. near hole. Rev. four 11. Khar., faded. Good condition. 'or x Ig x A" to 8".
N. xxrv. viii. 55. Wedge under-tablet. Obv. three 11. Khar. Rev. near sq. end one 1. Khar., faint. Good condition. ioTMx xi" xâ".
N. xxrv. viii. 56. Wedge cov.-tablet. Obv. Ir from sq. end seal cay. (râ" x I r). By sq. end one 1. Khar., two II. point side of seal. Usual char. by hole. Rev. three 11. Khar. Good condition. 9r x 2k" x -" to $".
N. xxrv. viii. 57. Label-like tablet, broken, with hole at wedge-shaped end. Obv. rounded, one 1. Khar. very faint. Rev. flat, two 11. Khar., very faint. 6" xi" x â".
N. xxrv. viii. 58. Wedge under-tablet. Obv. four 11. Khar. Rev. one 1. Khar. near sq. end. Good condition. 'orX I~"X28".
N. xxrv. viii. 59. Label-like tablet, with hole at wedge-shaped end. Obv. four 11. Khar. Rev. five cols. Khar.
(I, 5, 5, 5, 6 11.). Good condition. 6" x x â". Pl.
N. xxrv. viii. 60. Wedge cov.-tablet. Obv. 1 " from sq. end seal cay. (I." X Il") with string. By sq. end one 1. Khar. Rev. by sq. end one 1. Khar. Good condition. 9" x Ig" x i to W.
N. xxrv. viii. 6x. Oblong tablet. Obv. covered with eight columns of Khar. each consisting of eight short 11. Hole in L. upper corner for filing. Rev. has been planed down but remains of one 1. of Khar. on bevelled upper edge. Writing clear though faded. Hard and in good condition. 13" X 3a". Pl. XXV.
N. xxrv. viii. 62. Flat wooden strip, at one end sq., at other rounded. Two notches opposite one another on each edge. No trace of writing. 7iß" x " x â".
N. xxrv. viii. 63. Wedge cov.-tablet. Obv. I*" from sq. end seal cay. (zA" x IA"), one 1. Khar. by sq. end. One 1. Khar. point side of seal. Usual char. by point. Rev. two 11. Khar. 9rx 2r" x $" to r.
N. xxrv. viii. 65. Oblong tablet (broken). Obv. short 1. of Khar. in lower R. corner. Rev. four (?) 11. Khar., almost illegible. Hard and good condition. 48" x I".
N. xxrv. viii. 66. Wedge cov.-tablet. Obv. ti" from sq. end seal cay. (I~" sq.). By sq. end one 1. Khar. Usual char. by hole. Rev. blank. Good condition. 91"
" x
I- X Ya" to 8".
N. xxxv. viii. 67. Wedge under-tablet. Much sand-encrusted, but wood and writing in excellent condition. Obv. three 11. Khar. Rev. one 1. Khar. at sq. end. 9" x I *" X g".
N. xxrv. viii. 68. Oblong tablet. Obv. edges bevelled. One and a half 11. Khar. lengthways. Rev. two cols. each of five Il. Khar. Sand-encrusted, but legible ; wood in good condition. I 14" x 2r X i". Pl. XXVI.
xxxv. viii. 6g. Wedge under-tablet. Obv. four 11. Khar. very faint. Rev. much encrusted. Blank. Wood hard. 9" x 2*" x .1v.
xxrv. viii. 70. Wedge cov.-tablet. Obv. r" from sq. end seal cay. (r*" sq.) one 1. Khar. at sq. end. By hole usual char. Rev. one 1. Khar. at top edge. Good condition. ro" x 24" X *" to i".
. xxrv. viii. 71. Rectang. double tablet, complete, unopened. Cov: tablet, 3$" x Zia" : Obv. seal cay. Zia") with strings and clay filling. Impression, circular, concave, diam. $". Human fig. full front, barbarous, and dismembered ; head, shoulders, short flounced skirt (?), and lower legs prominent and unconnected. Objects in R. and L. hands (?). Legs rendered by four slight strokes ; on either side a three-lobed object ; cable border. Same design on N. xxrv. viii. 72, 76. Above seal two II., below one 1. Khar., clear.
Under-tablet : Rev. blank. 48" x 226" X g" to â". PI. XXIII.
xxrv. viii. 72. Rectang. double tablet, complete, unopened. Cov.-tablet. 06v. seal cay. (a" X rk"). Strings and seal of pink clay intact. Circular impression. Same design as N. xxrv. viii. 71 and 76. Above seal, two 11. Khar., black and clear, below one 1. Khar., black and clear. Hard and well preserved but some incrustation. 8-'a x 3ia" x A" to i". Pl. XX.
. xxxv. viii. 73. Rectang. double tablet. Complete ; unopened, or opened and re-sealed in antiquity. Strings tied below and given extra seal on Rev. of under-tablet. Whole seal cay. then wrapped in yellow silk and tied round with coarse string. Cov: tablet : Obv. Seal cay. 1 g" I"; grey clay seal with two impressions. (a) Standing male fig. L. wears turban (?) with peak, long drapery girdled at waist, and overfall behind. Full sleeves. L. arm extended ; R. holds long sceptre ; hair tied with two long fillets. Archaistic Zeus. Classical work ; see N. xxrv. viii. 81. (b) Head, R., strongly marked features, long curly hair ; see N. xxxv. viii. 81. Across each end two 11. Khar.
Under-tablet : Rev. two Il. Khar. across end. 5a" x 2" X." to r. Pl. XXIII.
. xxrv. viii. 74. Rectang. double tablet, unopened. Cov.-tablet : Obv. with seal cay. (r $" X IA"). Strings and seal of pink clay intact. Impression of sq. seal with four Chinese chars. in angular Seal writing, equivalent in
modern script to 15 j Shan-shah chili: yin,
`Seal of the Shan-shan Command ' [Mr. L. C. Hopkins]. Two 11. Khar., faint but legible. Hard and well preserved. 7â" X 3ig" X iv" to a". Pl. XX.
. xxrv. viii. 75. Rectang. double tablet. Complete. Strings tied behind. Unopened, or opened and re-sealed in antiquity. Cov.-tablet : Obv. Seal cay. 1" sq. ; seal in pink clay with same device as N. xxty. viii. 83; see Ant-. Kholan, ii. Pl. LXXII, N. xv. 133. a. Talons and R. wing of eagle destroyed. Above seal, two II. Khar., very faint.
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