国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.1 | |
セリンディア : vol.1 |
Sec. vi]
rectangular bugle, three discoid, four ring; four opaque yellow glass, ring; one pale green translucent glass, ring; one dark blue glass paste, ring ; one black haematite, irregular ring; cf. Anc. Khotan, ii. Pl. LXXIV, N. 0014. g and N. 0020. a. Also small oblong, cut from sheet bronze, pierced near one corner. Perhaps from scale armour. Cf. N. XII. 003.
N. xxrv. 0013. Part of bronze hoop, broken each end.
Inside plain. Outside has a raised band of rough rope-pattern. Length of chord 1.-"; width of frame â"; thickness of frame as". PI. xxIx.
N. xxrv. oor4. Part of bronze ' grelot' bell. Cf. Anc. Khotan, ii. Pl. LXXIV, N. 0012. a. Gr. M. r.
N. xxxv. 0015. Part of bronze ring, made of wire, oblong in section, of which ends are bent together and overlap. Diam. J"; width it".
N. xxrv. i. 1. Rectang. under-tablet. Blank. Warped and split. 81" x 28" x ~" to
N. xxay. i. 2. Rectang. cov.-tablet, perhaps belonging to N. xxty. i. r. Piece of string still in seal-case but clay gone. Warped. 6" x 2 8" x e" to 8".
N. xxxv. i. 3. Oblong tablet, with hole near end. Surface perished. Blank. 3a" x I" x w ".
N. xxxv. i. 4. Half of rectang. cov.-tablet (R. of seal cavity). Surface bleached. Blank. 8$" x 1" x A" to 8".
N. xxrv. ii. I. Lathe-like tablet, broken at either end. No sign of writing. Very soft and brittle, but retains shape. 7" x ia".
N. xxxv. ii. 2. Wedge cov.-tablet. At narrow end, here cut square, are two holes. Obv. r " from wide end, seal cay. (18" sq.). Across wide end three 11. Khar. By seal cay., hole side, two 11. Khar. Rev. four 11. Khar., very faint.
Wood rotten and surface perished. 6" x I j4" x to i".
N. xxrv. ii. 3. Wedge under-tablet, ends broken. No trace of writing on either face. Much broken and in very bad state. I4y, x 2k" x 8".
N. xxrv. ii. oox. Thin wooden silhouette of a duck. On each side is a hole to indicate eye. Beak to tail 4h"; breast to back 18"; thickness A". Pl. XiV.
N. xxxv. iii. I. Oblong tablet (fr. split off top). Sides notched to hold string. Obv. seven Il. Khar., very faint. Rev. blank. Hard and well preserved. 48" x 21." x ".
N. xxrv. iv. I. Rectang. under-tablet. Blank. Wood soft and bleached. 8" x 2" x â".
N. xxrv. iv. 2. Double-wedge tablet. Complete; unopened. Cov: tablet : Obv. seal cay. (1 ?s" x Ii") I" from sq. end, with remains of oval seal, showing bearded head and L. shoulder of human fig. L. On each side of seal one I. Khar. Usual character by hole.
Under-tablet : Rev. one 1. Khar. by sq. end. Sand-encrusted, but good condition. 8 " x 18" x 1" to sa-".
N. xxrv. iv. ow. Wooden weaver's comb, long truncated triangle. Very short teeth. Perhaps for carding. Hard and well preserved. 32u" x I i". PI. XXVIII.
N. xxxv. iv. 002. Wooden cantilever or double-bracket. Carved in relief. Side ornament: Plain moulding. Moulding decorated with overlapping V-shaped leaf
orn., points meeting at centre. Plain billeted moulding, billets 3i" long, separated by bevelled squares. Under ornament: One side, circular eight-petalled rosette outside which extra petals fill up oblong space. Other side, two four-petalled lotus flowers with four sepals, oblong, divided by line of overlapping V-orn. between plain mouldings. Sq. capital (resting direct on the pillar); sides carved with upward-pointing petals. Mortise for top of pillar. Cf. Anc. Kho/an, Pl. LXIX. 22j' X 8 "x 4y to 2"; diam. of pillar 4r". Pl. XVIII.
N. xxxv. v. 1. Takhti-shaped tablet. Obv. one long and two short II. Khar. Rev. five 11. Khar. Writing very faint. Wood hard. 16" x 2A" x
N. xxrv. vi. x. Oblong board with faded Khar. writing on each side. Obv. six to seven 11. in large characters. Rev. five to six I1. in large characters and apparently disjointed remarks in smaller characters, taking one to two lines near one edge. Much twisted and scored by knife-cuts. 2' I I" x 5i" x r. Pl. XXV.
N. xxrv. vi. 2. Oblong tablet. Obv. along upper edge row of Khar. characters with the long strokes carried down from each and curved over to form lotus-petal border along lower edge. Rev. split off. Good condition; ends broken. 6i" x I 8" x A".
N. xxrv. vi. 3. Oblong tablet. Hole in corner. Other end bevelled. Obv. convex, six columns Khar. (five with eight or nine 11., one with three). Rev. flat, blank. q" x 2'g" x i".
N. xxrv. vi. 4. Takhti-shaped tablet with round pierced handle. Obv. four 11. Khar., very faint. Rev. three 11. Khar. very faint. Hard and well preserved. 7" x Ii".
N. xxxv. vi. oox. Upper part of wooden board, with projecting frame orn., with double row of ' dog tooth ' set back to back. Blank. The surface though dry is cracked and peeling. 2oß" x 3" x i".
N. xxrv. vii. 1. Rectang. double tablet. Opened and string lost. Seal cay. (I " x 1") empty. Cov: tablet: Obv. one and a half II. Khar. across the end and some Khar. chars. near seal cay., clear. Rev. blank. Under-tablet : Obv. three and a half il. Khar., clear. Good condition. 68" x 2*" x
N. xxxv. viii. 1. Wedge cov.•tablet. Seal cay. (Ii' x
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