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0461 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 461 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




N. i. 16. Wedge cov: tablet (belongs to N. i. zo4). Obv. z*" from sq. end, seal cay. (seal missing, portion of string remains) ; between cay. and sq. end indistinct line of Khar. ; also on other side of cay. Usual char. near hole. Rev. 3 11. Khar., indistinct towards point. All writing very coarse and cursive. 9" x z" x $". Very well preserved.

N. i. 17. Wedge cov.-tablet. Obv. I4" from sq. end, seal ; standing figure in cameo (prob. Pallas). x 1. Khar. between seal and sq. end, very clear. Usual char. near hole. Rev. 2 11. Khar., very cursive and scratchy but quite distinct, except towards point where lower line deleted. 9â"x 2r x ". Wood in perfect preservation.

N. i. 18. Wedge under-tablet (?), much broken. Obv. 4 11. Khar., very cursive, but clear. Initial formula. Rev. r short line. 8" x 2". Wood hard.

N. i. Ig. Wedge cov.-tablet. Obv. Seal cay. ri" from sq. end. Seal gone. String crossed as usual, intact. Cay. I$" sq. I I. Khar. between sq. end and seal. Usual char. near hole. Rev. 3 II. Khar., very cursive, 1st, znd long, deleted at point end, 3rd short. " x z if" x g". Well-preserved.

N. i. 20. Wedge under-tablet. Obv. 4 11. Khar. with

initial formula ; 4th short.   Very distinct, but faint in
colour. Rev. Few char. at lower edge near sq. end. 9" x I" x". Well-preserved. Roughly finished on outside.

N. i. 21. Wedge under-tablet (belongs to N. i. 4). Obv. 3 11. Khar. with initial formula. Faint, part deleted. Rev. 11. Khar. from sq. end, very faint. z I " x 2". Warped ; well-preserved.

N. 1.22. Wedge cov.-tablet. Obv. Seal cay. xi" from sq. end. z 1. Khar. on both sides of cay.; usual char. at hole. Traces of Sindûra (?) round cay. Rev. Traces of char. near lower edge from sq. end. .,r x 2r" x $ ". Soft at edges ; appears to have been exposed to weather.

N. i. 23. Wedge cov.-tablet. Unusual shape, the sides being parallel until near point when they curve to sharp point. Obv. z i" from sq. end, seal cay. Seal missing. 11. Khar. between sq. end and cay. Usual char. near hole. Rev. blank. 9k" x ti" x â". Wood perfectly preserved.

N. i. 24. Wedge cov.-tablet (belongs to N. i. 18o). Obv. 2f" from sq. end, seal cay. Remains of string; cay. I8" x Ii". No writing visible. Rev. blank. r 3~" x .rx Much perished by damp.

N. i. 25. Wedge under-tablet. Obv. 3 (4 ?) 11. Khar. with initial formula. Indistinct and part deleted at sq. end. Remainder very clear; rather coarse and cursive. Rev. Few char. at sq. end. I4g" x z ". Indifferently made. Warped and slightly cracked.

N. i. 26. Wedge under-tablet. Part of upper edge broken away. Obv. 3 11. Khar.; portion with initial formula broken off and part of znd line. Coarse, very cursive. Rev. z short line near sq. end. 91" x it". Hard and well-preserved, except for break.

N. i. 27. Wedge under-tablet. Obv. 4 11. Khar. with N. I. initial form. ; writing thin, cursive, and very clear. Perhaps a few char. missing through break at point. Rev. 11. from sq. end. Very faint. 9" x Iâ". Well-preserved.

N. i. 28. Wedge cov: tablet (belongs to N. i. 48). Obv. zr from sq. end, seal cay. in which traces of string. z L Khar. between sq. end and cay. Usual char. at hole. Rev. 3 11. Khar., cursive. Part deleted at sq. end (from bleaching) ; otherwise distinct. 'or x zif" x". Well-preserved ; slightly warped.

N. i. 29 + 38 + 40. Rectangular under-tablet, in 3 fragments. Obv. Portions of 3 11. Khar., distinct ; cursive. Rev. blank. 7 â" x z *" to ", 8*" x r", 7-x Ir. Hard. N. i. 38 broken at top and L. p. end ; N. i. 4o broken at

L. p. end.

N. i. 30. Wedge Obv. 4 11. Khar., Initial formula. Well-preserved.

N. i. 31. Wedge under-tablet (belongs to N. i. 65). Obv. 3 11. Khar. with initial form. Cursive, fairly distinct. Rev. z 1. from sq. end. 9" x I~". Well-preserved.

N. i. 32. Wedge under-tablet. Obv. 3 lI. Khar., very

cursive but distinct ; initial form.   Rev. Faint trace of
11. from sq. end. 8-" x z 4". Well-preserved.

N. i. 33. Wedge cov.-tablet (belongs to N. i. 4r). Obv. z$" from sq. end, seal cay. containing string which still encircles tab. z 1. Khar. at sq. end. Usual char. at hole. Rev. 3 11. Khar., much faded. 8 " x z 4" x ". Well-preserved, but bleached. Portion of bark at seal cay.

N. i. 34. Wedge under-tablet. 06v. 3 11. Khar. with initial form. ; very cursive; clear. Rev. Traces of 1. from sq. end. 8¢" x z". Well-preserved, but splitting.

N. i. 35. Wedge cov.-tablet. Obv. z" fr. sq. end, seal ; device deleted. Ends of string. z I. Khar. between sq. end and seal. z char. at opposite side of seal. Usual char. at hole. Rev. 3 11. Khar., very cursive. Ink has

'run' and blotted.   8k" x z "x â".   Well-preserved ;
slightly warped.

N. i. 37. Wedge under-tablet. Obv. 4 lI. Khar., with initial form. Writing thin, cursive, clear in places, but elsewhere faded or destroyed by insects and by splitting of wood. Rev. Few char. at sq. end. 9r x I s". Hard, slightly warped ; split from sq. end. Portions of bark.

N. i. 39. Wedge cov.-tablet. String in hole near point. Obv. 2" from sq. end, seal cay. with fragments of seal, and string. z 1. Khar. between sq. end and cay. Usual char. at hole. Rev. 4 11. Khar., very cursive, but black and clear. Slightly damaged at top edge near sq. end. zog" x 21"x r. Well-preserved.

N. i. 41. Wedge under-tablet (belongs to N. i. 33) Obv. 4 11. Khar., much faded, with initial formula ; 3rd and 4th 11. almost invisible. Rev. Few char. at sq. end.

84" x z". Wood well-preserved.

under-tablet (belongs to N. i. 43)
cursive, but well written and very clear.
Rev. I short I. at sq. end. 91"x

3 D 2