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0713 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 713 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




Stupa construction, ib. ; erected in front of houses in Khotan, 169 ; erected by Vairocana, 170, 231 sq. ; the dead buried under Stupas in Khotan, 171 ; at So-mo-jê, 223, 224 ; Stûpa of the turned-up patra [shape], 231, 235 ; identified with mound at Chalma-kazan, 234.

Stùpas described, near Thöl, 20 ; mound near Tash-kurghan Fort, 38 ; Kurghàn-Tim, 73 ; origin of the name, ib. n. ; description of mound, 74 ; original shape, ib.; rise in level of surrounding ground, 75 ; finds of ancient pottery, 76 ; interior structure, ib. ; form of original dome, ib. ; materials of construction, 77 ; ruined mound of Kizil-Debe, 77 sq. ; ruined mound at Töpa-Tim, near Khan-ui, 8o ; Mauri-Tim, dimensions of Stûpa, 8x ; orientation and construction, 82 ; ruined mound near Kosh-Langar, 99 ; Töpa-Tim, near Guma, dimensions of Stupa,104 sq.; Karakir-Tim, 116 sq.; mound at Sotniya, 224 sq.; mound at Chalma-kazân, 238 sq.; ruined mounds at Rawak, 304 ; at site beyond the Niya river, 315, 339;

Endere, 437 ; Arka-kuduk-Tim, 471 ; Rawak, 485 sq. ; Jumbe-kum, 503.

styles, wooden, see pens.

Su-chia, king of Chieh-shuai, I r.

Su Chia-i, child's name on Chinese document, 529.

Su-le (or Shu-16), Chinese name of Kashgar, 48 ; etymologies in Chinese Buddhist texts, 49 sq. ; mentioned in Chinese Annals, 168, 176 ; in Chi-

nese document (N. xv. 93), 371. See also Kashgar.

S`u-lig, Tibetan name of Kashgar, 581. Su 1\16n-ti, mentioned in Chinese document, 525.

Su-mu-ch'ieh, envoy from Khotan, 17o. Su-shih-li-chih, king of Little Po-lü, 7.

Sucama, name, in Kharosthi documents, 326, 366.

Sughiya, name, in Kharosthi documents, 366.

Sui yrlan, name given to Little P`o-lü,


Sulayman Khagan, unidentified Mu-

hammadan ruler, coins of, from

Togujai, I I o, 113, 575 ; from
(?) Khotan, 576 ; from (?) Ak-sipil,


Sulek or Surak, suggested as an earlier

pronunciation of the Chinese name Su-16, 5o.

Sun-Ssû-yeh, Chinese literatus, 267 sq.,

358, 37o, 518.

Sung dynasty, coins of the, 206, 234,

473, 476, 575 sqq.

Sung Ytin, Buddhist pilgrim, route

through Shê-mi, x4; mentions Chu-
chï.i-po, 27 n.; account of Sarikol,


28 sq.; his route from Karghalik to Sarikol, 29 ; calls Kashgar Sha-lé, 48 ; on the language of Chu-chü-po, (Karghalik), 9o, 92 ; account of the Khotanese, 139, 170; legend of Vairocana, 231 ; his Tso-mo identified with Charchan, 436 n., 456 ; account of Han mo, 456 sq., 463.

Supuji Mazar, 459.

Surak, see Sulek.

Suryagarbha-sutra, mentions Mount Gogira, 186, 190.

Svastika, on Kharosthi document (N. xv.

17), 351, 400.

sword, in ancient painting (D. VII. 5), 278, 298.

syrinx, terra-cotta monkeys playing (Yötkan), 208, 212, 213, 215 ; terracotta human figures playing (YOtkan), 216.

Sz`, see Sök.

Ta-ch`a-shih-lo, see Takgasila.

Ta Fan, see Fan.

Ta-li period, coins of, 206, 234, 575, 576, 579; documents of, 523; (D. v.6), 266, 526, 533 ; (D. VII. 3. a), 276 n., 527 ; (D. vu. 4. a), 275 n., 529, 533.

Ta-li, river, 171. See Yangi-Darya.

Ta-Is=1o, or Darél, referred to by Hsüantsang, 6 ; identical with Fa-hsien's T'o-li (T'o-leih), ib. n.

Ta-mo-hsi-t'ieh-ti or Wakhân, 15 n., 3o. See Wakhan.

Ta-p'i, Buddhist monk, 277, 281, 530,


Ta-shih (i. e. Tazi), Chinese name for Arabs, 10.

Ta-te-li, identified with Han-mo and P`i-mo, 467.

Ta-yen, Buddhist monk, 276, 532. Ta-yuan, 537. See Farghana.

Tabaristan, diplomatic relations with China, 308 sq.

tablets, wooden, found at Dandan-Uiliq, 269, 296, 297 ; at Rawak, 305, 306 ; at Niya Site, 318 sq. ; wedge-shaped, 318 sq., 348 sqq.; takhti-shaped, 322 sq., 335 sq., 357, 375, 376 ; oblong, 323 sq., 357 ; rectangular, 324 sq. ; covering-tablets and under-tablets, 325 n.; Chinese tablets or slips, 338, 343, 358 sqq., 37o sqq.; arrangement of ' double-wedges', 348 sqq. ; covering-tablet as wooden envelope, 348 ; addressing of wedge-shaped tablets, 35o sq.; rectangular double tablets, 351 sqq. ; clay seals, 354 sqq.; contents of tablets, 364 sqq. ; titles and names mentioned, 366 sq. ; technical terms for tablets, 368 ; list and description of, 385 sqq.

Tadhkira-i Satok Boghra Khan, 86, 18o sq.

` Tagh ' (` hill ') district, in the Former Han period, 167.

Tagharma, in Sarikol, 23 sq.

Taghdumbash Pamir, route to, z r, 3o, 32 ; position of, 22 ; importance of this route, 22 sq.

Taghliks, ' hillmen,' in mountains south of Khotan, 129.

tai-ch`ang (court of sacrificial worship), 428, 546.

T'ai-tsung, Chinese emperor, subjugates the Northern Turks, 58 sq. ; extends Chinese authority westwards, 59, 93, 172.

Tâjiks, in Sarikol, suffer from Kanjuti raiding, 24 n.; their ethnic affinity, 25.

lakhli, 269, 322 sq. ; the ancient phalaka, 362. See tablets.

Taklamakan, Dr. Hedin's ancient city ', identical with Dandan-Uiliq, 236 ; false derivation of, 435 n.

Taksa§ila (Ta-ch`a-shih-lo), Kumaralabdha carried off from, 37 ; Indian colony said to have migrated from T. to Khotan, 156, 159, 164 ; linguistic evidence in support of this legend, x63; confirmed by language of documents from Niya Site, 368.

lai (grapes), 131.

talc, from Rawak (D.R. 004), 306 ; from Kighillik, 479.

Tam, wall' in Turki, 79 n.

Tam-Oghil, culture-strata of, 472. tamarisk, decayed roots used as fuel,

239, 241 ; writing on (D. V. 5), 268,

296 ; matting, see s.v.

Tamasasamgharama, monastery in the Panjab, 57 n.

T`an-chit, Mount, now Darkot Pass, 9 sq. Tang, girl's name, on Chinese document (D. vii. 2), 527.

Tang Annals, on Gilgit, 5 sqq. ; on Sarikol, 27 sq. ; on Eastern Turkestan, 58 sqq. ; on route between Khotan and Kashgar, 97 ; on Khotan, r72 sqq.; on diplomatic relations between Tabaristan and China, 308 sq. ; on end of Chinese rule in Eastern Turkestan, 533 sqq.

Tang Dynasty, establishment of the, 58 ; coins of the, III, 206, 234, 283, 37o n., 476, 575 sqq. See also Khotan, Tarim Basin.

Tang séng (` The monk of the Tang period'), vii, 237. See Hsüan-tsang. tank, ancient, Niya Site, 377.

Tao-ch`ao, Buddhist monk, 277, 531. Tao-yo, Chinese pilgrim, visits Kash-gar, 69.

Tao-yuan, Chinese pilgrim, 180. Tarigh, millet, found at Kara-dong, 448.

Tärikh-i-Rashidii, see Haidar, Mirza. tarim, ` colony,' 420.

Tarim Basin, or Eastern Turkestan, occupied by the Tibetans, 5 ; called An-hsi by the Chinese, 28 ; Kash-
