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0663 Ancient Khotan : vol.1
古代コータン : vol.1
Ancient Khotan : vol.1 / 663 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000182
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



Part iv]   SGRAFFITI OF ENDERE   567

Below this inscription appear what seem to be traces of the word   ; and still further down, somewhat

to the left, is a rude drawing of an ox or cow, beneath which the letters ta'éj' are faintly visible.

B. On the southern wall, towards the south-eastern corner. See Plate XII. The letters vary from

i to 3 inches, and are some 2 feet above the level of the floor.

  1.  ....k'Zi[ q1:1-[ •41.9- • 1.( XaT74

  2.  ..kaNgag-z7 •711.7ITT1N'ai Nw7,17, r•~r r•~7f

  3.  The first N in the bracket is not at all clear, but is not improbable. The   following is a mere
    conjecture. The reading' is likewise very uncertain, only the lower part of the character being plainly

visible. In   ' the I only is distinct.

Above the first line may be deciphered the letters . . .•   . . . scrawled in large characters,

apparently by another hand.

Mr. Francke gives the following version in modern Tibetan :—

. . . kzI[N lr'11c ?ial W1i 71   5 I TT1'~Xw'gk [or ql`r]

. . ((kzaN-74 -zzi~•r4r1•1i171• •~~   N' a ~~r i•~a•~a%N.r4.Ç ETT f?]


Mr. Francke translates thus :-

l. ... ' an offering being offered by Ziba to Roku [lha ?] 1 and salutations made'

  1.  . . . ` if ... 2iba looks lowly ' (i. e. if he is humble), ` the monks, men, and cattle will be without fault or deceit ' (i. e. without harm), and [live?]'

C. To the right of this inscription, towards the south-western corner, may be read the following lines, written in a bold flowing hand, in letters from gt~hree to five inches in height.

  1.  K'~1•-1 'al rTIN'rdN W~j•. V1

  2.  ~-cRF:4•~w 5•wt:a .5

  3.     r:4Wt:~ N.

  4.  X~~ t.,T4'.5 Nr\'~~ i•~.


1. The W has been added below the line.

3. After Çz\' is the upper part of a letter that has been begun and then struck out. Perhaps the writer intended to write E; 4, and then, changing his mind, proceeded to write .EN" instead.

There is no distinct trace of any dots dividing the syllables.

Of these lines Mr. Francke supplies the following modern version :—

  1.  ~~1'( 1 ~'a1'rriNT-1N WI .5

  2.  L714.ctRF%al.U''1


  4.  ~~~~~ 1 ~ W).1 7.Ç'r.4-q~~I ?]



' Mr. Francke reports, on the authority of T'ar-rried Cos-op`el, that Baku is still a well-known devald. Compare the next inscription.